(no subject)

Aug 11, 2005 08:50

OPINIONS     "All thats left for my life is now up to me." - You've got a friend in Pennsylvania

*1*What do you think about MTV; the shows, the videos, the sex and violence, sencoring, and/or the Fight for your Rights campain? MTV is just another tv station showing the shows that people wanna see. Its no different from the news or CNN.
*2*What are your thoughts on abortion? I think that if you're pregnant out of rape or incest, then you should have the right to choose. But I think that if you're too irresponsible to use a condom, then its on you and your only option should be adoption.
*3*What do you think about reencarnation? I suppose its possible.
*4*Should religion be in schools? No.
*5*Do pop stars have an obligation to be good role models? No, that'd be catigorizing them as the ones who we look up too, and thats NOT the case. <---- I agree with DJ
*6*What is your take on Dr.Laura? If she's the Dr. Laura I think she is, then she's hilarious...
*7*Is sexual orientation a choice? Nope. We're all people and we all become attracted. I don't think you can choose who you're attracted to.
*8*Whats your veiw on inter-racial relationships? I hate this question. Take it from someone whose parents HAVE an interracial marriage: It works. Theres nothing wrong with it. Like I said, we're all people.....
*9*Can/Should teens have longlasting, meaningful romantic relationships? Thats like asking if teens can fall in love . . . we are capable of doing everything adults can. If we want a meaningful relationship, whos going to stop us?<---- Again, agreeing with Deej.
*10*What do you think of meat eating? Yummmmmmmmmmmmm
*11*Is there anything morally wrong with the soceity we live in? Meh, its all in interpretations. If you interpret our society to promote sex, promiscuity, lies, and other actions that are morally base, then yeah.. I guess so.
*12*Will there ever be world peace? Not on this planet.
*13*Should marijuana be leagalized? Yep
*14*What is your opinion on the right to bear arms? For hunting purposes to feed your family, sure. For "protection", maybe. Just for the sake of showing them off... nah.

MEDIA     "You gotta watch out for the beautiful ones." - Boy Crazy

*15*Is the reality portrayed on tv/ movies fake? Um... yes? Thats why we WATCH them. If they were *real* reality... we wouldn't really need to see them.. we'd be living them.
*16*Do you watch Survivor? Yep
*17*What are your favorite tv shows? Laguna Beach, Desperate Housewives, Extreme Makeover:HomeEdition, CSI, Pardon the Interruption
*18*Do you read any magazines? ESPN mag, FAITH...
*19*Ever watch Politically Incorrect? Nope
*20*Is Bush an idiot? Yes, in my opinion. But with this past election, it was like choosing the lesser of 2 evils. Who could've done a spectacular job with what was handed down from Bush's first 4 years?? At least he was familiar with the administration and could go on being an idiot. 
*21*Do you want to be famous/what for? I want to be famous for writing.
*22*Watch the nightly news? Not intentionally.
*23*Read the newspaper? Sports section every day.
*24*How should the media cover the school shootings? Whenever they happen. If the media covered them all, maybe it would raise some frickin' awareness. People wouldn't have the impression that Columbine was the only one, and that was in the south. If people knew how often it happened, they'd do something about it. 
*25*Does life imitate art, or art imitate life? I really have no idea. I think art imitates life.
*26*Are we as a society desensitized to sex and violence due to tv and movies? Of course.

MUSIC  "These songs are my way to keep you on my mind." - Passing Time

*27*If you could only liten to one CD for the rest of time, which one would it be? New Found Glory's "Sticks and Stones"
*28*What type(s) of music do you like the most? Country... weird, I know. Because it contradicts the last question....
*29* What ya think about boy bands? Ehh.... I really don't have an opinion. 
*30* Is Eminem a musical genious, or a jerk? Genius
*31* Ever hear of New Found GLory? Love em? AHHHH!!!  YES!!!!
*32* What music do you listen to when you are sad? Linkin Park
*33*What ya think of Britney? She's gorgeous.
*34*Is music an important part of your life? Yep
*35*Were you raised listening to you parents music? Did they sing to you? Yes and Yes.
*36*Who really rocks, man? Steve Miller. 
*37*Are you musically inclined? I'm inclined to listen to it, not inclined to make it :)

PERSONAL   'I don't understrand myself." - Winter of 95

*38*Whats your real name? Sarah Nicole
*39*OD name? Uhhh????
*40*What do you look like? A girl who woke up specifically because her friend was coming over to drop something off, and now it looks as though the friend might not show up.Just jokin... she just got here.
*41*What are your hobbies? Sports, ESPN, music, friends, cabin, jet ski, reading, writing, etc...
*42*Talents? None. I'm not talented. 
*43*Zodiac sign? Gemini
*44*What does your sign say about you? I'm very fickle and not easily entertained. Also, its hard to hold my attention.
*45*How did you meet most of your friends? Basketball and softball
*46*Who's your best friend? Oh I don't know. Probably Erin or E.
*47*Do you gossip? Yup
*48*Do you lie? Yep.
*49*Are you a minor? Yes.
*50*Whats your dream job? Writer for ESPN.com
*51*Whats your job now, or are you a student? I'm a student AND I have a job!! Professional babysitter. Seriously. And "server's assistant."
*52*Do you communicate with animals? Yeah.
*53*Do you have emotional issues carried over from childhood? No. I don't think so.
*54*Who were you raised by? My parents and my aunt Terri.
*55* Would a stray pack of wolves done a better job in raising you? No way.
*56*Ever been a bully? Of course. I have a younger brother.
*57*Ever been bullied? Of course, I have like 52 OLDER cousins.
*58*What are your morals? I don't have any. Just kidding. :) Love yourself, be honest with yourself, respect yourself.... basically.. do unto YOURSELF as you would have others do unto you. Because if you can't be a good person to yourself, who are you kidding?? You know you the best. You're most comfortable with YOU.
*59*Do you eat meat, Dairy, Egg? Yes.
*60* Favorite quote? Oh, I have so many. "Men lead lives of quiet desperation."--H.D. Thoreau
 "Not all who wander are lost."
My favorite is probably "You will make many mistakes. But as long as you are generous and true and also fierce you cannot hurt the world or even seriously distress her." -- Winston Churchill.
*61*How mature are you? Usually I'm really mature. Not always though.
*62*How old are you dude? 16.

HAVE YOU EVER    "Looking back now, I see how far I've gone" - Scraped Knees

*63*Eaten at fast food with your bestfriends to see the cute register boy? No, but we do check them out when we go through the drive-through.
*64*Done that at any restraunt? No, I never go somewhere just for the waiters. Its usually for the food :)
*65*Fallen in love? I don't know.
*66*Volunteered? Yes
*67*Lost a loved one due to a mental illness? I consider my brother a lost cause, but I suppose we haven't exactly "lost" him yet.
*68* Lost a loved one due to death? Yes.
*69*Had a personal ad on the internet? lol No. But E found my cousin's once and it was hilarious...
*70* Been abused? Mentally??? Yes.

SEXUALITY     " Tell me about your first kiss." - Sucker

*71*How do you meet the people you date? meh, I've usually known them since forever.
*72*Whats your sexual oreintation? sStraight.
*73*Did that ? offend you? Um, no?
*74*Do you have a boy/girlfriend? Yes
*75*What do you think about premarital sex? It happens.
*76*Are you a virgin? Is that by choice? Yes and yes.
*77*Do you/ Did you use burth control? I will if/when I need to.
*78*Are kids educated enough about sex? Yes, but maybe not by the sources society would deem "reliable."
*79*What makes someone sexy? Confidence
*80*Do you like to be the cat or the mouse? Huh?
*81* Does a naked photo of you exist? No.
*82*Who took the pic? ----
*83*Is masturbation dirty? No.
*84*Is porn immoral? meh, Nah...
*85*Do looks matter? Are they a factor?? Yes. When it comes down to loving the PERSON, then no.
*86*Any fantasies you feel like sharing? Too many. :)

*87*Does sex scare you? The idea doesn't. The actual act does.
*88*Ever been used in a relationship? Not that I know of.
*89*Who was the one that got away? Ahahahaha...
*90*Who hurt you? No comment.

IN AN IDEAL WORLD "I can't stop pretending that you're forever mine." - Eyesore

*91*You would look like... Salma Hayek or Kristin from Laguna Beach!!
*92* You'd feel.... content with my body.
*93*Who would have an OpenDiary that you could secretly read and know all of their secrets and thoughts? Umm.. President Bush.
*94*What would you change in our society? Teacher funding.
*95*Who would be president? Hmm.... Austin Ellsworth.

THE INNER YOU "You feel like you owe it to the world, but you owe it to yourself." - Dressed to Kill

*96*Do you practice any religion/ Which one? I don't practice anything really. But I was raised Catholic.
*97* What has been your most spiritual moment? I woke up in the middle of the night after a terrible dream about a year ago. I still remember it. But I went and got my rosary and prayed (which is something I don't normally do) and after that, I felt really calm. Surprisingly calm. And I was able to fall back asleep. It was strange and yet very cool.
*98*What words represent your spirit/soul? My spirit speaks for itself. I'm frickin' insane.
*99*What animal is your soulmate? Something that is free and lives on the beach.
*100*Does anyone know the real you? No.
*101*Do you ever want to run away and be at one with nature? If the beach is nature, then yes.
*102*What gives you peace? My room.
*103*Do you love yourself? Usually
*104*Are you living or just alive? I'm LIVING.
*105*Would you ever kill? Sometimes its necessary. Like yesterday, there was a GINORMOUS spider in the garage and my dad was just about to spray it and kill it, and I told him not to because it wasn't doing anything wrong. But then.. I found a spider IN MY BED and I killed it because I have arachnophobia and couldn't deal with it. 
*106*Would you ever commit suicide? No.
*107*What/Who inspires you? My friends. My brother.
*108*Who are your role models? I have many. Marilyn Monroe, my momma, my padre, my abuelita..

CHOICES "It's okay to second guess." - The Goodbye Song

*109*Old or new? Old.
*110*Pepsi or Coke? Regular coke. Diet Pepsi.
*111*Yesterday, today, or tommorrow? Today. "Do not worry tomorrow for tomorrow will worry itself."
*112* conformity or individaulism? Individualism is ideal. Conformity is real.
*113*love or lust? Lust.
*114*sex or cuddiling? Cuddling <3
*115*Cali or New York? California
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