There is so much stuff to do for university that I almost forgot about my weekly picture dump lol. But seriously, the homework is extensive. Took me all weekend and I'm still not finished... I hope it won't stay that way xD.
Anyways, last Monday, two friends (Ana and Julia) and I went to Tokyo, again. Good times.
We visited Asakusa and Ikebukuro (again xD).
Our first destination was far far away from any touristy attraction. It was a very small exhibition of glass works. And by very small I do mean extremely small. Like one room only. The show cased works were all made by art majors of different Tokyo universities (if I understood that correctly xD).
I took a view snapshots of some of the highlights. Every single piece was really beautiful. And you could buy all of these, too. That is if you got the moneys. Lots of the moneys.
Glass sheep. °w°
So pretty. But 54.000 yen... |'D.......
After that we made our way to Sensou-ji, Asakusa's main tourist attraction.
Just a random snapshot of a cute backstreet.
The closer we got, the more touristy it got.
Giant beetle on roof. Okay, I know I shouldn't even be surprised anymore, but seriously, wtf.
Also Kappas. There were a couple of them along the sidewalks. Some were really cute, like this one here.
But others... not so much. lol
There we are. This might look familiar to some of you. That's because I've been to that exact same temple two and a half years ago as well. And I've already posted a bunch of pictures of it, so I didn't take that many this time xD.
It's still super pretty, tho.
Also right next to it, there was a random lu'au. Why not, I guess.
Aaaaand the Shiisa. I can't help it, whenever I see some, I have to take pictures. And Sensou-ji as a shit ton of Shiisa, so... well xD.
That one's my favourite x3. Shiisa are probably my overall favourite mythological creatures. (Close seconds are nekomata and manekinekos xD)
Tiny oooones with bibs. Gawd x3.
Also look at all the food. The food is seriously always the best about those touristy places xD.
Best melon pan in town, hands down. If you have ever tasted these you'll never want to eat cheap konbini melon pan again.
Trust me, I know what I'm talking about.
Them pretteh lanterns x3.
After we had seen enough of Asakusa, the girls wanted to go to Ikebukuro. And since I love Ikebukuro, I didn't complain. Also I could play the tour guide.
We pretty much went to the exact same stores I had visited a week before xDDDD... The Pokemon Center already had new merchandise! Even tho it was kinda odd... Pikachu and Swablu ... butts.
HEDWIG MEMORIAL! .... no, I have no idea, what that is xD. But I saw this for the first time that day, it's almost right outside Animate.
We were super exhausted after wandering around Ikebukuro for a bit, so I took the girls to one of my favourite chain restaurants in Japan. And here's what we got:
Random picture of advertisements in the tram. I wish we had cute ads with cute guys with cute ears in Germany xD.
I did lots of creative things last weeks. One of them is making a glass sculpture :D! I decided to join a seminar about glass sculptures and we're going to make three different ones. So last tuesday we started making the mold. Can you guess what it's supposed to be? It was really hard forming that thing, but sensei praised me, yay xD.
Here's what it looks like right now. Excited for next tuesday to see if the mold turned out alright.
And on Thursday, a couple of friends and I went to a stamp making event. Which was really cute. And it isn't even all that hard, once you get used to using the scalpel.
The big one took me about 1 and a half hours xD. First try ever. Turned out pretty alright, I think, tho it's still a little rough around the edges.
And the tiny one only took me about 30 minutes x3. I wanna make more *w*.
There was a (pretty late) welcome party for all the international students. But pretty much everyone who went there, went there for the free food. And it was awesome xD.
And in contrast to that - this was my dinner tonight. Tasted alright xD.
That's it again! See you next week, but only if I don't drown in homework xD.