It was busy like a mofo today. We got slammed, and everybody is getting fired or calling in sick.
After a relentless cycle of slack-jawed fuck-wits and their mewling water-headed little cabbages, my lunch break was due. It was following an exceptionally challenging return during which 3 different people asked me if there were any more cashiers. Just as I was about to make my escape, some tall scary italian guy started snapping his fingers at me and demanding that I open up for him. I laughed and walked away casually, you catch more flies with honey than vinegar, Guido.
It was a bit of a plane-touched day but it was groovy too, both of my best friends: Daniel Chin and Brad Zybert called me within the space of an hour today. I was so happy to hear from them, we've been friends since middle-school. They remember me as an awkward, acne-encrusted, fat-kid with a terrible crackle in my voice, no style, and a propensity towards social unacceptability. They were my buddies when I was a total dork, so thus are most likely to reap the benefits if I ever make it big in this world.
Hear that Daniel and Brad? (neither of them can for neither of them has myspace) We're goin to the top, goin to the top, goin to the top a the hill.
Other things have happened but nothing worth mentioning. I was off my stride today, here's hoping for a better one tomorrow.