From Lifehack
The Fountain of Youth
The Fountain of Youth is inside of all of us. To tap into it requires some action on your part, but the good news is that the benefits from this fountain are accessible to all. Will it make a 70 year old look like a 20 year old? No, but it can make you feel like you're 20 years old, and how you feel is the main thing. OK, looking young is nice too, but keep reading because these tips can make you look younger too.
There are plenty of young aged people who are so burdened with worries that they feel like they are 100, so what good is looking young when you feel old? Would it be great to look younger too? Yes, and you know what? If follow these steps, over time, you will look younger too. Maybe you won't look 20 again, but younger, yes!
What is Youth?
There are many things that describe youth. Here are a few. Do you recognize yourself in this list? Or would you like to capture some of these attributes again? Keep reading to find out how.
* Experiencing Joy in the Small Things
* Being Present in the Moment
* Uncensored Creativity
* Easygoing
* Happiness, Silliness, & Laughter
* Awareness of the Current Cultural Trends
* Playful
* Excitement
* Day Dreaming
* Activity
* Flexibility in movement and temperment
* Curiosity
How to Tap into the Fountain of Youth
Here are the ways to retain or regain your youth, no matter what your age is:
1. Smile as much as you can every day!
2. Humor. Laugh as much as you can every day! Watch funny shows and movies. Hang out with funny people. Be funny!
3. Let go of Fear. Face it. Observe it. Drop-kick it and get busy living your life. There's nothing to fear, but fear itself.
4. Stay Curious. Ask lots of questions. Always be learning.
5. Play! Seek out people who are good at play and go have some fun with them.
6. Stop Judging. Stop being critical of yourself and others. Let go of being nasty, mean, and vindictive. These things make you old, fast. Instead try compassion, acceptance, generosity, contentment, and gratitude.
7. Create Joy each day through appreciation of the good in the world and in your life. Notice the good and then life is good.
8. Keep an Open Mind. Don't reject things right away simply because they are new or you've never tried them. Have the attitude of "I'll try it at least once to see if I like it."
9. Do New Things. Everyday and every week do something new even if it is little. Try a new route, a new food, a new topic to learn, or join a new group. Let us know some of the new things you have done lately in the comments below.
10. Be Active! Move your body everyday. Get a little bit of each of these: Walking, stretching or yoga, strength training, and balancing. Be sure to make it fun by enjoying your favorite sports or activities. If you've been inactive for a while, it's never too late to start. Just begin with small steps and build slowly. (Check with your doctor if you have any health issues.)
11. Be Choosy who you hang out with. Seek out Enthusiatic people.
12. Anticipation. Create things to look forward to.
13. Believe. Have faith that making these changes will have a massive positive impact on your life, happiness, and youthfulness. Have patience and watch yourself bloom.
14. Ownership. Take ownership of your destiny. Only you can make these changes. Our bodies age, but we can slow down that process, and our spirit can remain forever young if we remain flexible and open to life!