FMA crossword answers!

Apr 27, 2010 22:52

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Answers behind the cut!


3. EDWARD-Synonym for "shrimp".
5. XING-Home of a hungry prince.
8. RENTANJUTSU-Mei tried to teach this to Al.
9. LINGYAO-Greedy prince.
11. CHIMERA-Heinkel is one.
12. TIMMARCOH-Victim of a Scar makeover.
13. IMMORTALITY-What both Ling Yao and Mei Chan came to find.
15. STEAM-It drives the cars and locomotives that our heroes ride on.
19. YOKI-Weasel who used to run a mine.
20. BRIGGS-Place where only the fit survive.
22. AUTOMAIL-"Change oil every three months or three thousand miles...or else."
24. TUCKER-Not the best choice of tutors, Roy...
25. GOLD-One of the things it's taboo for an alchemist to make.
27. BUCCANEER-Uses "Mad Bear Grade" automail.
32. GLUTTONY-Evil appetite.
33. HOHENHEIM-Brought over half a million friends to the party.
36. PYROTEX-What Roy's gloves are made of.
39. LIOR-Site of a rebellion.
40. GRUMMAN-Cross-dressing general.
41. MADAMECHRISTMAS-The other smoker in Roy's life.
43. SLOTH-Thinks everything is a drag.
45. TRANSMUTATIONS-What alchemists do.
48. SOLARIS-Backstabbing girlfriend.
49. MILES-Ponytailed Major.
50. HOHO-Nickname, or Santa quote.
51. AL-Nickname for the ailurophile.
53. BARRY-_____ the (custom motorcycle) or (helicopter).
54. KNIVES-Something Maes Hughes doesn't leave home without.
56. HUGHES-Male knife-thrower.
57. ALEX-Muscular scion.
59. WINRY-Scary girl with wrench.
62. AERUGO-Country south of Amestris.
64. HAVOC-Might have cried, but wasn't the one to "let slip the dogs of war".
65. WATCH-A State Alchemist's ID.
70. SHESKA-Easy spelling of the synonym for "bookworm".
71. AMESTRIS-Ed's a citizen of this country.
73. ELYSIA-The corny photographer's favorite subject.
75. KIMBLEY-Evil man in white suit.
76. MOLE-Something Maria Ross can't leave without--but Envy did.
78. RISEMBOOL-Where Al was born.
79. OLIVIA-Scary lady with saber.
80. ENVY-Evil palm tree.
82. SCAR-Synonym for "bad@$$".
84. FROZENSHRIMP-Preserved seafood, or Ed in the north.
86. MAJORGENERAL-Olivia is "the very model of the modern ______ ________."
87. JEAN-Has horrible luck with women.
88. ALPHONSE-Ailurophile.
89. SARAH-Hohenheim mistook Winry for her.


1. DRACHMA-Country north of Ed's home.
2. FULLMETAL-Why the Flame has a headache.
4. DOG-What a State Alchemist is, according to Pinako.
6. GRACIA-The corny photographer's significant other.
7. ARRAY-Most alchemists need one to do their work.
10. KAIN-Sent south when Vato was sent north.
14. ARMSTRONGS-They pass everything down the line for generations!
16. EQUIVALENTEXCHANGE-The rule that Ed and Al set out to bypass.
17. XIAOMEI-Scar's such a nice guy, he helped look for _____.
18. GATE-Do not open.
21. DEN-Canine automail user.
23. ROY-Snappy retorter.
26. DENNY-Partner of "not extra crispy". Plagiarized hairstyle.
28. CIGARETTES-Something Jean Havoc doesn't leave home without.
29. DUBLITH-Where the scary lady in sandals lives.
30. FALMAN-The other perfect memory of FMA.
31. ELRICS-No one will sell them insurance...
34. ED-Nickname for the short one.
35. NINA-Poor little chimera...
37. XERXES-Where Slave Number 23 lived.
38. BRADLEY-Evil with saber(s).
42. GRANDARCANUM-Forbidden form of alchemy.
44. HAYATE-The real teeth in Mustang's team.
46. UREY-Pinako's son.
47. GUNS-Accessories Hawkeye never leaves home without.
49. MEICHAN-Female knife-thrower.
52. PHILOSOPHERSSTONE-Kimbley kept one in his mouth.
55. SELIM-Innocent child or pint-sized monster?
58. HAWKEYE-Scary lady with holsters
60. RUSHVALLEY-A near-religious experience for Winry.
61. BREDA-Cynophobe.
63. RANFAN-Recovered from automail surgery even faster than Ed did.
66. TATTOO-Something Scar can't leave without.
67. ISHBAL-Where the Scar was born.
68. MAES-Corny photographer.
69. LUST-Now extra crispy!
72. PINAKO-Urey's mother.
74. GLOVES-Fashion accessories Roy never leaves home without.
77. IZUMI-Scary lady in sandals
81. GRAN-Ferrous-blooded alchemist.
83. MARIA-Not extra crispy!
84. FU-Xingese too tough for arthritis.
85. SOUL-Something alchemy can't create.

Hope everyone had fun!

crossword puzzle, answers, fullmetal alchemist

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