HMMMMMMMMM... it's been a long while since I've updated, hm? Nothing much has been happening. I got into university though! Yay. I took a photo of my ID because the photo was kind of cute/dorky.
I think you look adorable! Congrats on the university thing!
How long have you been feeling lost dear? Sometimes you just need a change and going to college will open up so many new adventures for you if you let it.
Ahh d'oh! I can see that now. (Somehow my brain interpreted the edge of the card as laminate or something :S It's a good thing it's friday!) So then, well good. I'm glad they do that now... :)
The course sounds interesting. I hope you find the subjects informative, and enjoyable and not too disagreeable.
Comments 8
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How long have you been feeling lost dear? Sometimes you just need a change and going to college will open up so many new adventures for you if you let it.
Ok. I'm off the mom box. Love ya!
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Sorry Jyin, I don't mean to be rude.
But yay for getting into uni!!!
What subjects are you looking at for your first semester?
That's okay. ^^;; Um. Some visual arts course in printmedia. Wuahaha. Should be cool.
The course sounds interesting. I hope you find the subjects informative, and enjoyable and not too disagreeable.
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