being stressed out has led to fight number 263,583,286 with my mother. she dropped me off at the house and started calling my dad before i even slammed the door.
so yesterday was pretty much the best football game of my life, followed by the funnest dinner ever. followed by a pretty amazing sleepover with epley... then followed by an eventful day. full of dancing and stunting and ripping off arms. but i love her haha. tomorrow should be even more interesting....
Thank you to everyone I saw last night. I'll miss you but probably Beth more since i wont see her for like a week. but i talked to hayley and i am on her bus. so from the looks of it we will be playing apples to apples and eating chips and salsa for about 4 hours. YESSSSSS. now i feel the urge to do this.
well tonight was by far the best night of work ever. minus the little.. "ICE CREAM ICE CREAM... (dead silence minus john christophersons laughter)" incident. just amazing.
and then i realized that the only time i am able to do something untill like next sunday are monday night after 730 and tuesday day. ughhh. BUT BOJI WILL BE AMAZING.