Получил сегодня неимоверно прекрасный нигерийский спам:
Hello Dear,
Since you aren't falling for my African romance scam, let me be up
front with you.
Since I am actually a Nigerian man, you owe me something. I am entitled to
reparations from the rest of the world, including you, due to the
misdeeds of my forefathers who sold their family members and neighbors
into slavery.
I am also entitled to handouts since my nation is rife with corruption
and graft and has no hope of ever creating a decent civilization for
itself. That is your fault, not ours.
So start paying up now, by Western Union. I will accept $12,000 USD
from you over a one year period in monthly installments of $1000 USD.
Otherwise I will emigrate to your country and never cease to be a
social problem for you. A word to the wise is sufficient.
"Alice Sary", as good a name as any