Three of three :)
Forget Me Not
A Harry Potter fanfic
Characters: Luna
Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling owns all things Harry Potter. I'm only borrowing and will return them at the end of the fic.
Author's Note:
sparrow015 wanted some blue Harry Potter fic.
Ficlette Fiasco III. Set just after Luna's mother died, when Luna was nine (as mentioned in the end of Order of the Phoenix).
Word count:: 345
Summary: After her mother's death, all Luna has left is memories.
The wild wind whipped Luna's long hair against her cheek, the rain spattering over her shoes, her cloak, her face, hiding her lack of tears.
She'd cried all her tears when her mother died.
Her father's hand settled on her shoulder as her mum's coffin was lowered into the cold, muddy ground. Without looking up, Luna knew her father desperately wanted to cry, to break down, and he was only holding himself together for her. Being strong for her.
She'd tried to tell him it wasn't necessary, back in the little church, but he only smoothed her hair back and buttoned her cloak up tight.
The coffin reached the bottom of the hole, and the wizard at the head of the grave started to talk about her mother, about what a brilliant witch, a loving mother, a devoted wife... Luna closed her ears and looked around the graveyard, at the headstones for other people's mothers and fathers. She wasn't the first girl to lose her mum, and she wouldn't be the last.
She remembered when she was a really little girl, and her mum's mother had died. Mum had said it would be all right, as she'd see Grandmother again, on the other side.
"Other side of what?"
Mum had tweaked her nose. "The other side of this life, Luna. The next place we go after we die. The place where nothing is ever forgotten."
A loud thud started Luna back to the graveyard. The wizard had just thrown the first handful of dirt on the coffin.
That's not my mum in that box. Mum's waiting for me on the other side.
But what if she forgets?
Quickly, Luna broke away from her father and dashed across the graveyard. A large tombstone sheltered wild flowers from the rain, and now Luna grabbed two handfuls of the wild blue forget-me-nots, and ran back to the open grave. Ignoring everyone, Luna threw the flowers in the hole, watching as the rain pounded the petals into the dirt on top of the coffin.
Now mum can't forget me.