As this post should indicate, I have not abandoned the
Ficlette Fiasco III!
Party Boys
A Harry Potter/Anita Blake Inevitable fanfic
Characters: Ginny, Nathaniel. Reference Harry and Anita and Cherry and Damian
Disclaimer: J.K. Rowling owns all things Harry Potter. Anita Blake is owned by Laurell K. Hamilton. I'm only borrowing and will return them at the end of the ficlette.
Word count:: 325
Summary: Ginny should never have followed Harry to St. Louis.
Author's Note:
shallanelprin wanted some Ginny/Nathaniel fic.
Ficlette Fiasco III.
Several story notes:
-In an Inevitable future verse that won't actually occur. Yes, I'm writing AU fic on my own crossovers.
-They're at a party in Anita's house sometime in June of the year after Inevitable began.
-A note on Nathaniel's behavior in this:
In Incubus Dreams, we saw Nathaniel with his "game face" on, with the stripper fangirls at the club. He has a totally different persona around people who don’t matter, compared with people who have power/dominance over him (Anita, Richard, Micah, Jean-Claude). So Ginny will see Nathaniel in a very different way than Anita and even Harry perceive him.
She watched him. While everyone moved in and out of the room, drinks in hand, laughing, Ginny stood against the wall and watched Nathaniel.
He bothered her. He was too pretty, too certain, too slick. He was nothing like the submissive lycanthrope Harry described, and yet he was exactly that way. He moved innocently, like he knew everyone wanted him, like he was hiding in plain sight and everyone was watching him.
Including Harry. Something twisted in Ginny's stomach as she saw Harry bound up to Nathaniel, drape a casual arm over Nathaniel's shoulders and say something that set them both off laughing. Then Nathaniel swapped his full glass with Harry's empty one, and nodded at someone in the room. A tall blonde woman came over and hauled Harry back into the crowd. Nathaniel watched them go, an odd expression on his face.
Oh yeah, Nathaniel really bothered her.
She wasn't really sure when it started. It probably wasn't the first time they met, although at that point Ginny had been much more intimidated by meeting Anita Blake and Damian, Harry's grandfather. Nathaniel had come into the room quietly, and other than a small exchange of names, she didn't give him much thought.
The next time, however, was when she'd gone up to get Harry in his room before they left for dinner. The door had been open and while Harry pulled on a shirt, Nathaniel had lounged on Harry's bed, looking incredibly at home.
Ginny swallowed nervously, startled out of her memories when the object of her scrutiny looked directly at her. Nathaniel met her eyes for a long moment, then without so much as an eyelid flicker, he turned away from her and went after Harry.
Ginny looked down at her glass, wishing Luna was there. Why had Ginny thought coming halfway around the world after Harry Potter was going to be a good idea?
She couldn't be jealous of Nathaniel.
Not at all.