Everyone keeps saying Halloween is a time you can be whoever you want without anyone being able to judge...does that mean everyone has an innate desire to be a slut or a drag queen??? I'm just confused I suppose...
Maybe it's time to start updating this thing again...then again, maybe not
Has anyone seen an extra laser cut key to a durango lurking about?? It's about the size of...uh...a key and costs about $300 bucks if i don't find it. PLEASE HELP ME!!!
Is it just me or do corsets make you feel incredibly saucy?? Anyone have tips on where to buy thigh highs that don't make the skin at the top of your legs squish out?
I have officially become a sleeping in later than 7:30 typical college student...how do I know?? because it's 7:30 and I'm awake and can't seem to find the motivation to go work out...so instead I play on the internet. Typical procrastinator...Sigh, how many days is it until christmas break???