Title: My Golden Cage Pairing: Yamada-centric Genre: hmm, angsty? Rating: PG Author: Mi A/N I wanted to write Hikato but it turned into this. Finally it's me starting a game, nee~ i hope Yaya will continue.. Sorry for writing bad again.. ^^;
Arggh...I know how it feels to be left out~~ Poor Yama-chan...I like this kind of plot, because it is torturing /I do sound like a sadistic person/...and it kinda lonely to be forgot by our own friends...
deshou... me too I like this kind of plot, I guess writing angsty is what I can do best (i wish I could write fluff though. Angst is always so depressing) But it happenes to me at least once a week that people tell me what they did although I was with them. When I tell them I was there too, they would always be like 'Oops, you're right! I forgot'.. everytime the same. Even Yaya does that although she's my best friend. My brother said I'm a ninja, always there but left unnoticed. It's a tough life being a ninja. Thanks for reading and commenting, Yayah <3 -Mi
Awww I want to hug Ryosuke. I can't believe that Daiki and the other members really don't care about him...but I feel so sad for him. I know how he feels, though, it sometimes happens to me too ;_;
Well being excluded is something nearly everyone experienced at least once, nee~~ JUMP is really not nice here.. I'm sorry ( ._.) I guess it's human nature too, that kind of behaviour like sometimes not caring about someone you should care about. Some people in this world aren't as important than others, that's a fact //
Comments 4
But it happenes to me at least once a week that people tell me what they did although I was with them. When I tell them I was there too, they would always be like 'Oops, you're right! I forgot'.. everytime the same. Even Yaya does that although she's my best friend.
My brother said I'm a ninja, always there but left unnoticed. It's a tough life being a ninja.
Thanks for reading and commenting, Yayah <3
JUMP is really not nice here.. I'm sorry ( ._.) I guess it's human nature too, that kind of behaviour like sometimes not caring about someone you should care about. Some people in this world aren't as important than others, that's a fact //
Thanks for reading, Beni-chan <3
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