Title: A Little Side-Effect Pairing: YamaChii Rating: PG Genre: Fluff Author: Mi A/N This is an old story. Actually the first fic I've ever written. That's why it's fluff. Don't feel like writing fluff at all
So so süß! Ich liebe dieses Paar :) Ryosuke ganbatte! But maybe you don't need to, since might Chinen already like you. Ryosuke is so nice here (in real life too) and I can totally imagine him insisting on paying for Chinen's clothes. He is Chinen's "wallet" after all. ~Beni
YamaChii was my first OTP, but now it changed to Ariyama somehow :3 but I'm also a huge Hikato fan <3 yeah I remember. JUMParty 5, right? Chinen's wallet xD But I wrote the story before they even had their JUMParty 3. Well, I've always had a special connection to Chinen, since he's the first Johnny I've found by coincidence and I was immediately in love with him (He's just too cute <3) -Mi
Sorry for some reason I missed this comment-I love all three of those pairings! I have too many pairings I like, but I guess Inoobu is my otp since the beginning. Yes Jumparty 5 - Yamachii was so cute. But I think Chinen has always been so spoiled by Yamada and yes he's very very cute :)
Comments 3
Ryosuke ganbatte! But maybe you don't need to, since might Chinen already like you.
Ryosuke is so nice here (in real life too) and I can totally imagine him insisting on paying for Chinen's clothes. He is Chinen's "wallet" after all.
yeah I remember. JUMParty 5, right? Chinen's wallet xD But I wrote the story before they even had their JUMParty 3.
Well, I've always had a special connection to Chinen, since he's the first Johnny I've found by coincidence and I was immediately in love with him (He's just too cute <3)
Yes Jumparty 5 - Yamachii was so cute. But I think Chinen has always been so spoiled by Yamada and yes he's very very cute :)
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