It's gonna be 迷
Name: Maria Cecilia. (Cissa, or just Cissie)
Birthday: November 14th. (1994, through)
Lives: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (My hometown since I was born)
Random: 1,42cm (Oh yeah, I'm kinda short) / ADHD / Ryeowook biased
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ceciliawook a n o t h e r t h i n g s
married with
lee_jinki at
marry_a_ljuser Stamped as
Sungmin at
suju_rating Stamped as
Taemin at
shinee_stampingt h i n g s f o r a l i f e t i m e
bitmoo, me (the shorttest one),
myiuchan and
Just because I'm missing you, girls.
To be loved, what more could you ask for?