last kiss: uhmm idk days ago?
last cigarette: awhile
last good cry: A long while
last library book checked out: uhm. its fucking lost. but i swear i fucking turned it in.
last movie seen in a theatre:the grudge
last cuss word uttered:asshole
last beverage drank: water
last food consumed:pumpkin pie
last phone call: um...Joey
last tv show watched:Real World
last shoes worn: Es "Neckthing and Ballsack"
last cd played: Iowa
last item bought: a DVD
last annoyance: my brother
last disappointment: Finding out people do shit after they do it
last soda drank: sprite?
last ice cream eaten: an Andes one. its hellluv good
last time trippin on drugs?: Long time ago
last time in love: a little more then 2 years ago
last time hugged: Uncle Jon yesterday. haha.
last shirt worn: a white shirt
1 MINUTE AGO: looking through LJ's
1 HOUR AGO: working on my advertisments
1 DAY AGO: cooking. very annoye
1. What do you most like about your body?psh. my eyes?
2. And least? everything
3. How many fillings do you have? Not alot
4. Do you think you're good looking? idk. you decide.
5. Do other people tell you that you're good looking? Only when they feel guilty when i look like shit, so they say it to cheer me up. it happes alot.
First job: umpiring
First screen name: radjad
First funeral: my grandpa's
First pet: Cat-Nick
First piercing: ears when 6 months.
First Kiss: Ryan!!! <3 age 10. hahaha.
First one that mattered:Ill jut say the second letter. o.
First Lust:o
First love: o
First enemy: idk. someone that stole my barbie. so i kicked her ass
First concert:warped tour
First cd bought: Follow the Leader--- same as kevi! :D
First car: NONE
First real boy/girlfriend:Chris? i think. idk i havent had someone put up with me for this long. wondering how long it would last
First swearword: fuck
First fist fight: when i was in pre-school.
First best friend: Rachel!
Most recent:
Crush:hmm i wonder
Pet peeve: people that dont take responsibility and say sorry for their actions
School: campo
Lie: "I'll call you Amanda"
Outfit you loved: i dont give a shit.
Fist fight: hmmm sophie
Best friend (name one!):angela
Thing stolen:hmmmm a key chain
Color: horny green
Band: Tool, apc, rage, soad, mudvayne, slipknot.
Song: right now, limp bizkit- rearranged
Class: math
Pastime: bein with friends
Car: hmmm ill just stick with nsx right now
Animal: pussy
Excuse: pen cap.
Person: hmmmm me myself and irene?
Family member: My uncle jon
Food: Chinese!
WHY did you do this survey?: Cause I always do these surveys
Who did you get it from? love... <3
If at all, who do you think will take it as well?: anyone who is bored
Who won't?: people that have lives.
------------------GENERAL INFO-----------------
* Name On Birth Certificate: Julia Alicia Diaz
* Nicknames: JD, jewls, JFD !, Jack, Danny
* Starsign: Virgo
* School: campolinDOPE
* Location: Moraga
* Email address:
* Color of eyes: they change. Green-->morning; blue--->day; silver--->night
* Hair color: brunette BITCHES
* Shoe Size: 8 1/2
* Brothers/Sister: 1 brother
* You live with: bastards.
------------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------
* Missed school because it was raining: ya
* Put a body part on fire for amusement: Yes
* Been in a car accident: no
* Been hurt emotionally: Yes
* Kept a secret from everyone: Yes
* Had an imaginary friend: No
* Cried during a Movie: No
* Ever thought an animated character was hot: nah
* Been on stage: Yes
* Been sarcastic: Yes
* Shampoo: hell if I know
* Soap: hell if I know
* Fav color/shade: green
* Summer/Winter: winter
* Cartoon Characters:stewie
* Drink: triple distilled; margarita!
* Movie: shit i have nooo clue
* Ice Cream: Cookie dough
* Subject: Dunno
* Animal: pussy
---------------WHAT ARE YOU----------------------
* Eating: nothing
* Drinking: nada
* Thinking: they are highly explicit thoughts ;)
* Talking to: No one
---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------
* Cried: No
* Met someone new: No
* Cleaned your room: No
* Drove a car: No
---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------------
* Yourself: nah
* Santa Claus: No
* Tooth Fairy: no
* ghosts: yes. my house is fucking haunted
* Angels: no
* UFO's/intelligent life in space: No
--------------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------
* Do you believe in soul mates? Yes
* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?:ya
* Do you like anyone?:
* What's one letter in the name of the person you like?: s
* The loudest?: ashley
* The shyest: i dont know many shy people
* Who has seen you cry?: limited amount
* When have you cried the most: during childhood when dad was an asshole.
* What is the best feeling(s)?: feeling loved? idk.