That's the hardest part about these realities, these worlds. There's no closure when someone goes from your life. They're just gone.
There's no good-bye, there's no reason, there's not even any pictures left. There's no chance to say one last thing you always meant to but never did, no chance to tell them how much they really meant to you, no chance to say anything at all meaningful because you're not expecting this to happen. There's no other circumstances, there's no job move, there's not a break up or an "I hate you" or an "I've been cheating on you" or even an "I'm not in love with you anymore." There's not even death. Just gone. Like they never existed in the first place. Everything that was theirs or proved they even existed disappears with them. And the only thing you have left of them is the time you spent together and the memories you shared. If you didn't make those worthwhile, you got nothing.
And that's what makes the silence the most unbearable.
Prompt: Writer's Choice: Gone,
Table 1Rating: PG
Notes: This prompt is from a different Mia that comes from a panfandom roleplay game. When characters are dropped by a player, what happens in game is that they disappear along with all of their possessions, etc. Leads to a lot of angst sometimes.
Word Count: 174
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