(no subject)

Feb 13, 2006 22:30

valentines day! oh my <3

so flipping excited.

dedication to my the love of my life..

graham patrick curran swayze. i freaking love you so much. i've said it so many times before, but you are the best thing in my life. if i could change anything about you, i wouldnt, i love every little thing about you because those things are what make you, you. and what make me love you more and more. each day i learn something new about you (ie:japanese kids at your house...wtf?!) haha. but i love it. i love you so much. its been four months, and your still not getting boring. aw ahha jk jk. i know your never gonna get boring baby. love is something so totally exciting. <--- mm kinda cheeesy? i love loving you. especially considering that i know you love me just as much. its the best feeling in the world. and i'm sooo gay always doing my whole " dooo youlovee me??!! HOW much?? moree thenwhat??" yeah dude its gay but get over it.. i LOVE hearing it.. hehe. you show me it enough for me to know its true.. but hearing its just as fun. its amazing how lucky we are. we live so close to each other. 22 seconds to be EXACT..i mean. how freaking perfect is it. i love it. i love you. i love your smelly breath even. you know that one though. i've told you that. i love that i can tease you. and be totally cruel sometimes. yet you still deal with me. we never fight. i love that. yeah we're both dumb sometimes. but hey. what can we do? put together, we make up for those few chromosomes we're missing. your amazing babe. trully amazing. incredibbllle. i would give my world to you. i even lent you my diesel pants.. shieet. lets talka bout giving you my world. too bad they dont fit me anymore cause i'm a skinny bone jones... haha i get jokes. but yes.. like when i have these dreams. that i usually tell youall of them. i'm always like okaaayyy maybe i shouldnt tell him cause he'll be like WTF.....commitment....babies?.....waiting till marriage.... PEACE OUT!... but no.. you love me! how cool huh? yeah. and like the best thing is like. sometimes.. and you know this. but sometimes i feel sooooooooooooooooooo ugly. its alot of the time usually. but the second im with you. its like wabamm. suddenly im like this hot ass laguna beach cast member (sike) but you catch my drift.. like you make me feel wonderful. and you DONT EVEN SAY ANYTHING.. like its not like your always telling me i'm pretty or stuff. thats whats cool. like i used to hate that stuff when people are like oh MY GodZZ your GOrgEous... and like now its a rartity.. <---rare titty? like cause then when you do say it. i'm OH MY GAWDZ REALLY? you think?! aww thanks omg omg omg.. haha... yeah. but i mean its great. i love it. i love you. and i tell my mom constantly how im so freaking inlvoe with you. its scary i know. but babe i could see myself spending the rest of my life with you. i dont think ive ever told you that, but i mean.. like your just so.. i dont know. you complete me perfectly. every void i've ever felt in my life was filled the second i met you. i fell inlvoe withyour personality before i even met you. i mean.. what are the odds. yeah its a gross ass way to meet someone but god i was meant to meet you one way or another. you live 22 seconds away from me. your amazing babe. your so perfect for me and i feel like hopefully i am just as good for you. i dont have to push myself to be something inorder to make you happy. just like you. youjust do. you just make me happy by being yourself. i can just sit there. anad do nothing. and still feel like i'm playing lazer tag. thats how great it is. lazer tag is fun. your funner though. and like chocolate. i mean.. dudeee. okay i love chocolate.. but i gota admit i love you slightly more.. i mean i cant be too obsessed with you.. heheh. im so happy though. like a little while ago i was going through some shitty times with myself.. like confidence wise. this was like freaking last week probably even. but im just getting so confident now. like all in a mmatter of me sitting tehre and thinking about everything wonderful i have. my friends. my family. my house. and most importantly the love i get from you. it one of those loves that im not drenched so theres always room for me wanting more. more in a sense that it doesnt get old? do you know what i mean. like cause sometimes lvoe can be too much. you dont want to be overly soaked up in it, you have to leave room for some mean jokes or some days where you cant hang out all day or some days where your just in a bad mood because it makes the times where we are all aday together and where do talk about how we feel for each other and lay together and stuff feel 10000 times better and better each time. thats what true love is all about. nothing can be perfect. so when i say that we're perfect i litterally mean in this sense. that there it the perfect about of stability and room amongst us in order for our relatinoship to function beautifully. you have made me such a strong person, and since the begining you have, but it wasnt until just a few days ago that it hit me, that i was able to look in the mirror or lay there and appreciate everything that i have. i can accept myself that im not perfectl ooking or have the best personality, but as far as looks go, hell if i think im fat i'll do somethign about it, if i'm complainging about other stuff then i'll stop whatever i'm sdoing to make them that way. like i can finally just be like okay this is what im like, and if it can be fixed and i really want it to be, then i can easily do that, and you give me that motivation to do so. i havent scratched myself ever since all this hit me, i havent cried about my chubs either. causei know that your with me, and your still able to look me in the eyes and tell me you love me even when i am having a fat day or a vietnam battlefield face day or when i do that ugly cross eyed look face thing. like thats what loves all about and thats what i am so greatful for. i mean okay basically the whole point of this blabberness is that you have changed me so much. not litterally in sense of who ia m. but you have just made me so strong and respectful for life and appreciative of what i have. you are the most amazing person in the world and i ch erish everything about you. i know that no matter what the future brings me, i'm going to love you for the rest of my life. nothing and no one in this world could ever even replace or compare to feelings i have felt just in the matter of these 4 months. you are a gift th at i dont ever want to let go of and you are always going to be in my heart. i love you until the day that i die and that is promise that iw ill never break. i love you.

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