weeeeeeeeeell this weekend has been a fuckin roller coaster.....
Friday aka screaming match between me and my parents [enough said about that shit now.......]
marc and anthony come to my house around 3:30pm
we actually tried to work on a design for Mission Possible...
all we figured out, at the time, was how to end it and how to finish it and maybe a few transfers inbetween, but not linking the 2 yet ^_^;;
we discussed what kind of pizza we wanted for 20 minutes and then finally ordered it LOL
waited down in my living room for the pizza to arrive and "try" to think of something for the transfers....
brain dead while listening to the obsurd ramblings of a 5 year old and noticing every word she spoke, had not point to it..when she speaks..it's like throwing words at people that she knows but don't actually go together...like:
Kayla: "you know the yellow bear is the bestest bestest thingy bear in the whole world because it is named after a raimbow but the rainbow is orange so they named the bear sunshine bear"
brain dead again while eating our pizza....that got us no where LOL
we bring up the things from the basement that we were goin to work on to my room
INSTEAD of trying to think of a plan...marc shows us I-Robot vids online and we talk about how the movie wasn't an actual "acurate" rendering of the book it was taken from heh
then CrAzY things happened::
Marc: you don't have any objections to me playing some Madonna, guys?
Anthony: nope
Me: i don't mind
*heavy I-robot music starts playing*
Anthony: wait.....this isn't Madonna
*everyone laughs*
Me: HA...i was thinking that same thing....
Marc: *still laughing* well OF COURSE that isnt' Madonna
mass majority of the work done on Mission was K-Nex....good ol' K-Nex ^_^
marc discovers that he can log off AIM at work by logging off from some other computer lol
marc and i talk to julie *hugs julie*
people keep talking to us, but we have the speakers hooked up to marc's pda so we can't hear the Moo-ing or Dings that sound when people IM me XD
*anthony's cell phones starts vibrating*
Anthony: my vibrator is quite strong
Marc: Oh my
Me: *just laughing hysterical*
honestly...we have more work done than last year for the whole year combined *cheers*
becky IMs me
i say "hey sexy"
marc gets out of seat sayimg "OH MY GOD"
XD *pat pat marc*...it's ok...you should have expected this like how i did the...next...scary...thing...that...happened...
milina called me on my cell ^_^
we talked a bit..
passed cell to marc a bit...
milina and i talk a bit
i kept thinking milina said: "don't suck it now"
and then i hear RIGHT AFTER THAT:
Marc: ooOOOoo...Great Big Balls on Fire with whips
marc was looking up porn on my comp while milina was making me crazy on the cell phone....
i remember the one thing that made me laugh insanely was that anthony made this baggy thing to shoot the ping-pong ball out off [no details due to competition on LJ for sci olymp *cough*CINDY*cough*]
and when ever he blew into it...he started to cough...and a few times tissue paper came flying up and he coughed some more.......LOL....idk..that was a personal funny for me :D
hmm...what else...what else...
we took a slight break from Mission to "work" on Storm the Castle....but that didn't get us anywhere far....
so we just took a big break.......but we actually got work done on Mission HUZZAH
now mr. hettrick won't strangle the 3 of us and kick us off the team...............................yeah.....
anthony leaves about 8:30pm
marc and i work a little bit more on Mission and get some more transfers in....
we agree that we need a ROOM FULL of K-Nex because the pieces just keep being used up...
we actually might run out of pieces before we are done with the actual thing lol
around 10:20pm...we give up and pack it in for the night
since marc is "deprived" at home....i let him dl porn and he had fun talking to people saying he was "downloading porn at a friend's house"
i was cleaning up the room......
majority of the time he said,
Marc: yeah.....oh ouch....ok..yeah..don't look...DON'T LOOK....daaaaaaaaaaamn......umm.....ok......hmm....he looks cute...wow......
and the list goes on for what he said..... +_+
sad thing is im used to him and his fantasies with guys and most likely he's used to me and women ^_^
so it's fair lol
marc called his parents and they said they were at a movie, so marc stayed a bit longer
so he stared a hoard of dls for his "special needs" and left a few cds for me to burn them onto
marc left around 11:30pm and i was finally alone
which was kinda not good because i started to have a massive stomach ache the entire night +_+
hmm.....what to say about the 4 hours i have spent already lol
play Neverwinter Nights
marvel at the sight of my lj icon lol...GIR breakdancing on a tv......gotta love that episode ^__^
umm.....*slaps everyone and runs*
talk to julie about "things" and then my mood goes down horribly quickly....... :(