1. Name: Shay Maria Luisa Mitchell IV ^_^
2. Age: 72 ^_^
3. Location: Gothenburg, Sweden ^_^
4. How do you react when you've just told a joke that completely bombed? confuzed
5. Do you pay any attention to the clothes that others wear? sometimes...yes
6. What is one personality trait that you can both loathe and admire in a person? stubbornness...i guess
7. If an acquaintance were to tell you that something about your personality really bothered them would you care? Why or why not? not much..but maybe i'd change...if i could
8. What if the person were a close friend? then i'd change it moreso if it was possible to
9. When you read surveys that have been filled out by other people, do you really read the answers, or are you mentally answering the questions yourself? i disregard the answers by others
10. When shopping, do you believe that generally things that cost more are of better quality? definately not
11. Do you keep a dream journal? HA...i rarely dream...and no one would care what i dream about :(
12. What's your preferred explanation of why we dream? Is there any deeper meaning or is it all random?...i told you i don't dream often so i don't have much of an opinion on this...
13. Do you think that voting is important? Why or why not? HAHAHA...i couldn't care less....im being forced to register...but im not goin to vote if i don't want to....unless it was for a quiz thingy like this...no political crap tho ^_^
14. Do you prefer books/movies/stories that you can relate to, or ones that can take you far away from reality? this kinda 1/2 and 1/2 for me...but if i had to choose....i'd go with relating to them
15. How do you tend to place your memories on a timeline? For instance, do you tend to remember things as happening during a certain year (ie. in 2001), or age (when I was 16) or school year (when I was in grade 10) or in some other way? if anyone knows me....i have one of the worst memories for remembering "some" events..."other" events i can remember in a heartbeat for some...."sentimental" value to them LOL
17. What do your burps generally taste like? the last thing i ate ^_^
18. Are you tempted to tell gross stories at the dinner table? HAHA...i eat alone at home...
19. Do you get disgusted when people tell gross stories while you're eating? nah..unless they are of events that previously happened that grossed me out...don't even ask me what they were...it's to scary to think about..........
20. Do you smack your lips when you eat? maybe..idk lol
21. Do you bite down on utensils or use your lips? does this actually matter?!...both..
22. Do you slurp your soup? *blinks*....yes...sure...why not...*rolls eyes*
23. Do you lick the plate/bowl? only when i have been starving for the entire day.....
24. How 'bout when no one's looking? look up
25. Do you drink milk from the bowl after eating cereal or drink the broth after eating ramen? SURE, why put it to waste?
26. If you could live in any era which one would you choose and why? honestly...i couldn't care what era i lived in
27. If you had a chance to meet Hitler what would you say to him? "Are you gay?...it's been a controversial topic, you know...Hitler...what 'orientation' are you associated with?"
28. How about Mother Theresa? *throws mother theresa off a bridge*
29. What do you do when people ask you for change on the street? either actually give them money...or if they are mean..give them a rock and say "change THIS into money"
30. How do you feel about Bush being re-elected? don't care........as long as i don't get forced to be in the draft and go away from my angel...im good
31. If you could make new episodes of any tv show ever..what show would you pick? have no idea off the top of my head now...
32. Do you ever take your anger out on the wrong person? yes...often...then i regret it...depending on the person...unless i take it out on my parents, then i WANTED to take it out on them..
33. Don't you hate pushy sales people? YES!! I THROW ROCKS AT THEM!!!!!
34. Does any food make you sick but you eat it anyways cause its so good? lol...nah...it's all good for me
35. If you could come up with any invention already created (and it would be your own) what would you choose? either "the shoelace tip thingy that goes through holes" LOL...."stress balls"..."computers" but the comps...i'll make them ACTUALLY WORK PROPERLY!!!! *glares*
36. What is your biggest accomplishment? reaching Black Belt in 1 year flat ^_^
37. What do you do for a summer job? And what is your dream job? summer job..don't have one..
dream job?....umm...i'd love to just work at home with my computer doing something...anything related to it and get paid by just relaxing at home...OMG that would be amazing...sit on my lazy ass and do work right there
38. What was the nicest thing someone has ever told you? "I LOVE YOU" ^_^...where they meant it...weren't forced by people to say it...weren't saying it out of sympathy...and just saying cause they actually love me for me
39. Do you hold doors open for people or is that out of style? yes i do hold doors...but not for the people on my bus...they are bastards.....
40. How long have you been using Live Journal? "Date created: 2004-01-16 16:15:36"
41. What color are your pajamas? i have pajamas?!...GIVE ME BACK MY PAJAMAS!!!!
42. Do your clothes mismatch or always match? either or...don't care about what people say about my clothes much
43. How many pairs of shoes do you own? 3? lol...don't keep track often
44. Are you superstitious? about some things...mostly wouldn't care
45. Do you like whipped cream on your hot chocolate? SURE, WHY NOT?!
46. Do you have any unusual markings on your body? (Birthmarks, scars, etc.) one...on my chest...but becky only seen it fully *winks*
47. What's your favorite candle scent? hard to tell...there are so many i like....damnit....LOL ^_^
48. Would you rather sing or speak to an audience of 20,000, or would you rather walk around naked for a week? speak to an audience of 20k people....
49. What do you think clouds taste like? BROWNIES!!!!!!!!!!!
50. What snacks do you purchase when you're going to see a movie at the theaters? anything that tastes good and not expired?
51. Do you ever get a random twitching in parts of your body? OMG YES!!
-What parts of your body do you notice it happening to? neck...leg...arm...shoulder...not at the same time LOL...that would hurt
-Have you ever been able to touch it, or show someone else before it stops? nah...only lasts like a second or so
52. How many pairs of pants do you own? 6? lol...idk
53. How comfortable are you with disorder--do you need everything neat and tidy, or do you thrive on clutter? CLUTTER...but i clean up when people and especially becky is coming over LOL
54. What do you do with old magazines when you're done reading them? throw them on my shelf
55. Are you generally on time or late when returning movies or games? havn't rented anything in about 2 years........honestly....
56. Would you say there is almost ALWAYS a jar of pickles in your fridge? Is there right now? HAHA...none in my house......
57. How often do you make your bed? once a month?
58. Do you generally enjoy Malls, or do you try and stay away as much as possible? i LOVE malls...but sometimes to expensive to go LOL
59. What's the first thing you do at the mall? find people that im goin there to meet
60. Do you go there knowing exactly what you want, or do you go there with a general idea of what you're looking for? the best answer for me "aimlessly walk around until something pops into my head that i want"
61. What do you HATE about the mall? too many people on holidays...grr
62. When was the last time you told your Mother/Father/Legal Guardian/Adoptive Parent/Whatever that you loved them? when i was 8 or 9?..i can't remember anymore....
63. How often do you eat fast food? whenever i can..WENDY'S ALL THE WAY *CHEERS*