Whoa. Ok so. I can finish fic. Short, drabble fic whit no dialogue at any rate. I have shamlessly nicked a prompt from the comunity 52_flavours. I may do them all, I may not. My writing muse is ficle. Anyway, I present to thee; fic, by yours truly.
Uhm. If anyone is actually reading this journal that is XD
Title: White
Fandom: Popslash (BSB)
Theme no.: 1. Five shades of white
Character(s)/Pairing: Nick/Howie
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I don’t know these people. This is fiction, not a recount of things that have actually happened.
Notes: Yeah. First prompt, first fic. oO;; No I have no idea what I was thinking. Don't know how well it responds to the prompt, or if it does at all, really. XD Mostly a Nick character piece I guess.
Howie was wearing a white cashmere polo shirt today. It was sleek, hugging Howies torso. It looked very soft. Nick wondered what it might feel like to touch. Howie was looking extremely good today in Nicks admittedly not very humble opinion. Then again Howie always looked gorgeous in white. It contrasted beautifully with his skin and dark hair and made him look like he was glowing. Or maybe that was just Nick. Nick spent a lot of time watching Howie. Because Howie did that glowing thing a lot, even when he wasn't wearing white and it was kind of neat actually.
No one ever said anything about his Howie-watching. Maybe no one noticed. Nick snorted to him self. Yeah, right. AJ may not know his head from his ass these days and Brian was to sucked up in Leighanne to notice anything but an impending apocalypse. Kevin, though. Kevin was mister insightful observation man. It was kinda annoying.
Like that one time when he was, oh, sixteen or so, drunk of his fucking ass and flirting with the cute German bartender who actually spoke pretty good English. And the next day Kevin pulled him aside after rehearsals an held a big speech about acceptance and friendship. Nick just sat there and listen politely and when Kevin finally got to the point and asked if he was gay he'd said, “well duh. Can I leave now? 'Cause I was gonna play some ball with Brian and...”
And wasn't that a fascinating trip down memory lane. Point was, Kevin had to have noticed his Howie watching. He hadn't actually said anything but that didn't really mean anything. Nick was sure Kevin knew. The burning question was, did Howie? Howie was perceptive, at least sometimes and Nicks obsessive staring was not subtle. If Howie knew, did that matter? Nick wasn't even really sure he wanted to do more than watch Howie being all glowy.
Hey. Kevin would know if Howie knew. Maybe. It was worth a shot wasn't it? Nick got up from the chair he'd been sprawled in and left the room, looking for Kevin wherever he might be.
As Nick left the room Howie glanced up from the Rolling Stone he'd been reading. Nick looked very good today. Wearing a shirt that was not four sizes too big and non-baggy jeans that did wonders for that ass.... Howie quickly turned back to his magazine hoping he wouldn't be caught staring at Nick. It was happening more and more lately.