Title: My Girlfriend (Part 2)
Length: Two-shot
Pairing: Yoosu
Rating: G
Summary: An explanation of how Park Yoochun's solo, "My Girlfriend," was supposed to be "My Boyfriend."
A/N: Inspired by Julili, who left me a comment saying, 'My explanation is that Jae baked gingerbread cookies the week Yoochun wrote the song.' and gvfsq, who left me a comment saying, 'Actually i'm the one who think My Girlfriend is My boyfriend.'
Thanks for Reading!
And for those of you who celebrate it too, HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEARS!
Yoochun was shocked to consciousness by the loud voices. His eyes opened to realize that he’d fallen asleep while watching T.V. Changmin and Junsu’s voices had woken him.
Yoochun tried to sit up and realized that a jacket had been placed on his upper body. It was Changmin’s jacket; too lazy to go retrieve a blanket, but too caring to let Yoochun sleep in the cold.
He smiled, thanking the Heavens for allowing him to be a part of TVXQ. He did this often, but still felt like he didn’t do it often enough.
Yoochun snapped out of his thoughts when the shouting became clear to his ears.
“I get the first taste!” Changmin claimed.
“You always get the first taste!” Junsu retorted.
“Will you two stop acting like kids?” Yunho demanded.
“Will you start acting like the Appa that our fans want you to be and control Changmin?” Jaejoong’s voice came next.
Yoochun walked towards the kitchen and leaned against the entrance with crossed arms. Jaejoong and Yunho were shaking their heads tiredly while Junsu and Changmin fought.
“No, mine!”
“I’m not giving up! I’m getting the first taste!”
Changmin tried to put a cookie into his mouth first, but Junsu pulled his arm away and towards his own mouth.
Yoochun watched with amusement.
“Let go!” Changmin exclaimed.
“I’m fighting till the end!” Junsu announced.
“I always win!”
“I’m putting an end to that! I. Will. Not. Be. Defeated,” Junsu struggled to speak each word as he wrestled the taller boy.
Then Yoochun felt as if a light bulb had lit up in his mind. Possible lyrics began to form in his mind.
“I get the first taste!”
“No, me!”
Jaejoong eventually got tired of the fighting. He grabbed a cookie from the plate that Junsu and Changmin had ignored and fed it to Yunho.
“Yunho got first taste!” he announced.
Changmin and Junsu froze in their struggle to watch Yunho enjoy the bite of cookie with an all-too-happy grin.
They turned their heads to look at each other.
Just when they thought that the fight had ended, Changmin and Junsu chorused, “I get to taste it before you!”
The struggle continued. Jaejoong’s head dropped and he sighed.
Yunho grabbed his wrist and moved it up so that he could take another bite from the cookie in Jaejoong’s hand. Jaejoong blinked at Yunho’s hand on his wrist, and then turned to look at Yunho’s grin.
Jaejoong smiled. They decided to ignore the two fighters and moved on to decorating cookies.
Meanwhile, Yoochun left the kitchen to return to his bubble chair. He settled inside and filled his ears with the up-beat melody in the Mp3 player. He began to write.
[Maybe my love is bigger than Gingerbread man’s vitality.
Baby~ Good Morning everyday I wake up with you with the lovely call.
I didn’t know how to (cook but I can make you a song).]
Yoochun reread his piece of work and smiled with satisfaction. Now all he needed was a title.
He thought of the person that had inspired the lyrics and decided on a title. He scribbled [My Boyfriend] on the top of the page.
Yoochun looked up to see Changmin leaning on the door and glancing at his notepad.
“Is the battle over?” Yoochun inquired.
“Who won?”
“Me,” Changmin smirked.
“Of course,” Yoochun rolled his eyes.
“About your title…”
“What about it?”
“Too obvious.”
“Too obvious. You shouldn’t be throwing that song out to the world until after you’ve confessed to the inspiration of it.”
Yoochun’s eyes widened. “You can tell? That’s what you meant when you said ‘go tell him that you want him to spend time with you instead’?”
“I’m the smart one, remember?”
“You said that you’re the ‘normal’ one.”
“Tell me when I can start calling Junsu the ‘Yoochun’s’ one.”
“Soon, but not now,” Yoochun sighed.
“Well, do it quick. The sooner he has you to distract him, the sooner I won’t have to fight for my food.”
“Pig,” Yoochun insulted.
“‘Deer’,” Changmin corrected.
“‘Rudolph’,” Yoochun reworded.
“‘Gone’,” Changmin walked away.
Yoochun looked down at his handwritten lyrics. Now he had to go through and change all the ‘boy’s’ to ‘girl’s’ and ‘boyfriend’s’ to ‘girlfriend’s’.