Title: Running
Pairing: Yoosu, ChangKi, Yunjae
Rating: PG-15
Genre: Angst, Comedy
"There's no such thing as [running] forever."
A/N: Some characters won't be showing up for a long time so don't hold your breath. Thank you for reading!
“Why is he here?” The old man demanded in an aggressive voice, his eyes glaring at the two younger males standing in front of him.
“I know, I promised this wouldn’t happen again, but my brother is sick today. I don’t want him to be home alone. He’ll be good this time; he’ll just sit in the corner and…”
“The last time you told me that, he turned my restaurant upside down just to catch a dog!”
“You shouldn’t have allowed a dog in the restaurant in the first place.”
“It was a seeing-eye dog! I don’t care! He’s not allowed in here!”
The taller young man turned to look at the shorter young man who was holding his hand tightly. The taller man turned back to look at his employer.
“Then I guess I’m not allowed in here either.”
The taller man led the shorter man out of the restaurant while the employer shouted to their disappearing backs, “Fine! I don’t need you! You were the one who begged me for this job in the first place!”
“Why are we here?”
“It’s been too long. You need this.”
“I need to find Xiah.”
“I know, but for now, we can only have what we’re allowed. Let’s go.”
They waited in line for a silent three minutes before climbing aboard the roller coaster.
“Xiah loved roller coasters.”
“That’s why we’re here. Remember him. Remember how he loved roller coasters, remember how he loved to shout out all his problems, remember how he wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself like this.”
“I’m not hurting myself.”
“Eating one meal per day, sleeping less than five hours, working yourself to the ground is the same as hurting yourself.”
“I want…I need to find him.”
“I know.”
They remained silent again as the roller coaster began to take off. It started fast and it ended just as fast. It just wasn’t the same.
“They have cameras that capture a part of the ride. Let’s go find our picture.”
Not wanting to disappoint the other man, he forced a smile, “Okay.”
They followed the crowd to the row of digital screens, eyes passing over other people’s pictures and searching for their own. Both gasped when they saw a familiar face that didn’t belong to either of them.
“It’s Xiah!”
Chapter 1 // “Don’t worry! I won’t hurt you!”