Title: Word Assocation
Characters: Sam and Dean
Genre: Drabble
Rating: G
Word Count: 100
Summary: Written for challenge on FF.net, challenge word: passion
Set somewhere in season one after Sam realizes he has psychic abilities.
Sam gives Dean a word assocation test. First published: 6/21/09
"Hey Dean, you ever do one of those word association tests?"
"Don't shrinks give those?"
"Yeah, I found this site…"
"You don't need a shrink, Sammy."
"Well, maybe you do. What's the first thing that comes to mind when I say love?"
Dean squirmed. "I thought you were finding us a job."
"Cherish?" persisted Sam.
"Dude, seriously? Pie?"
"What's wrong with pie?" Dean jumped up before Sam could delve further into his other answers.
"Where are you going?"
"Find us a job, geek boy. I'm suddenly feeling very passionate about finding some pie!"
Thanks for reading!