Then don't bother paying expensive public storage fees and contact us a.s.a.p! You're belongings will be kept in the top floor of 1110 Cathedral Street, which is less than a ten minute walk from MICA. It's a well maintained, air conditioned apartment (your paints won't explode and art materials won't be damaged like it would in unairconditioned, public storage rooms) above a beauty salon (so no worries about pests) and is rented by two responsible MICA students. We're only asking for $50 a month (probably less if we see you don't have much).
Transport of items will be your responsiblity, but we may be able to help depending on present circumstances. Once your things are settled in, nothing will be touched and your stuff won't budge an inch. Promise. Renting space from us is not only cheaper and probably more convenient for you, but you'll also be helping us pay our summer rent. Hooray!
Interested? Then reply to this post a.s.a.p. or contact either of us at 817-694-8999 (Robyn) or 703-943-9287 (Emily). Thanks!