1, SEXXING. 3, Where the Hell is Carmen Sandiego? (Answer: In my room. Waiting. Eager. And I don't care which of us winds up handcuffed first.) 5, Harvest Moon. 6, Jazz goddamn Jackrabbit. This was Arjan and Cliff days of Megagames and everything from OMF to Jill to Jazz had absolutely ....epic....*cricket* music. 9, Voyager. 10: X-Men.
I'll guess #11 is Killer 7 which I always did think looked interesting.
3. Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego 7. Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess 8. Glee 9. I want to say is a one of the Star Trek series, but I don't know which one. 10. X-Men
Comments 4
3, Where the Hell is Carmen Sandiego? (Answer: In my room. Waiting. Eager. And I don't care which of us winds up handcuffed first.)
5, Harvest Moon.
6, Jazz goddamn Jackrabbit. This was Arjan and Cliff days of Megagames and everything from OMF to Jill to Jazz had absolutely ....epic....*cricket* music.
9, Voyager.
10: X-Men.
I'll guess #11 is Killer 7 which I always did think looked interesting.
Everything else I know has already been guessed. D:
7. Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
8. Glee
9. I want to say is a one of the Star Trek series, but I don't know which one.
10. X-Men
4. Elite Beat Agents
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