A few days ago, my laptop started to go south - it's been running on battery power and the battery started to run out - funny thing that, since the laptop was plugged in. I wiggled the cord, I swore at it, I cast stupid little healing spells (they never work for more than a few minutes with electronics... you can't heal technology). The nice
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Comments 5
You can buy a used one or refurbed on online or you can buy a new generic one, OR you could do what I did and pony up the cash for a new laptop. ;)
The path of least resistance would be to get the battery, though. :( Sorry I don't have better news. Other than we're teeming with excitement that we get to see y'all again in a few weeks, but that doesn't fix your laptop!
I don't know how to fix that problem, but from the symptoms it doesn't sound like it's the battery. You probably have to take it into a repair place.
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