
Apr 26, 2005 21:39


I got in trouble with rotschopf again. Should have known better than to ask her for the Interview Meme ( Read more... )

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Comments 36

rotschopf April 26 2005, 18:44:11 UTC
It's only fair that you interview me in return. So ask away, luv (o:

Take care!

luv & hugs
The Drow


Questions michaelmalfoy April 27 2005, 14:30:12 UTC
Here are the questions for you, babydoll.

1. Which of the following clichés in H/D stories annoys you the most, and why? a)Harry and Draco are paired up in Potions
b)Harry and Draco bump into each other in the corridor
c)Harry and Draco are forced to kiss/etc. because of a 'dare' of some kind

2. Name your 3 favourite sports stars, based on how good-looking they are. Tell me what exactly is attractive in each.

3. How did you become a gay-hag?

4. What's your favourite heterosexual fanfiction pairing, and why?

5. Name 3 the most hottest sex scenes you've ever read in the fanfiction world. The story, the chapter, and what's so hot about them.

*Bites your neck*



angel_9_lives April 26 2005, 18:54:45 UTC

I like this Drow person, lol. evil evil person.

and right now, since you're taking entirely too long to update your stories, evilness directed at you is a good thing:P

I'd be evil to you too, but I don't know you well enough, lol.


(AMEN! on the Harry/Luna opinion x_x)


michaelmalfoy April 27 2005, 14:32:52 UTC
Thank Merlin I'm not alone with my Harry/Luna antipathy! I was kind of expecting people to shout at me... *grin*



angel_9_lives April 27 2005, 14:43:38 UTC
you were expecting people to shout at you?...you mean there's actually people out there that LIKE that pairing??


hey...just out of curiousity, what's the most f*cked up couple you can think of? from that fandom of course:P

the most amusing (to me): Luna/Malfoy.


~Angel (bored at work, prepare to suffer >.>;;)


michaelmalfoy April 27 2005, 14:51:17 UTC
The most fucked-up couple... would be... probably... Dumbledore/Draco. *shudder* Or perhaps Hagrid/Hermione NC-17. Disgusting.

See, now you made me feel sick. :)


rainbower April 26 2005, 18:59:22 UTC
I have actually something I need to ask you about Turku's Uni...

Mitä kaikkia aineita luit siellä? Itse menin tänään sinne eri tiedekuntien esittelytilaisuuksiin (kuuteen, huh, skippasin lääketieteellisen) ja olen silti melko pihalla. Luitko valtio-oppia? Itseäni se saattaisi kiinnostaa ainakin näin aluksi, mutta tiedä häntä. Aivan uskomattoman sekavia selityksiä, ainakin oikeustieteellisellä puolella, kun se nainen puhui vain siitä, kuinka hän reputti suurin piirtein kaikki tenttinsä. Jes, kannustavaa. Ja kielten opiskelusta sieltä ei mainittu mitään humanistisissa, joskin netissä on niistä varmasti juttua.

Hehe, reproduction seems to be very important to you, eh? Have to take part in increasing the world's over-population.

Interview me. (that is, only if you have too much spare-time and there aren't 30 other comments like this saying 'interview me' XP)



Questions and answers michaelmalfoy April 27 2005, 14:48:05 UTC
Actually ( ... )


Re: Questions and answers rainbower May 7 2005, 16:22:25 UTC
Ahaa. Ja itse kun ajattelin, että ottaisikohan sitä valtio-opin lisäksi juuri tuon poliittisen historian. Noh. Eipä sitä kauhean tarkasti niistä aineista kerrottu. Miten meni miehen vappu?

Ok, so I put the thing on my LJ. And yes, you were quite a decent little boy :)




Interview Meme aki_hoshi April 26 2005, 19:00:42 UTC
oooh...that's funny. Well, not really. I'm sorry you had to embarrass yourself. But now you can interview me! ^_^ Embarass me, it's okay...


Re: Interview Meme michaelmalfoy April 27 2005, 15:50:45 UTC
Your questions:

1.What do you fear the most?

2.What do you expect from a good fanfiction story? Name 5 things and tell us why they're important.

3.If you were one of the Professors in the HP universe, what would you like to teach and why?

4.The most boring book you have ever read?

5.If you had to sing a song in the 'karaoke' or whatever they call it in England, what would your choice be? Why?


devilzzz April 26 2005, 19:47:09 UTC
I've already been interviewed, but I don't mind adding on another;D Ask away.

Snigger on the bottom thing, btw.


michaelmalfoy April 27 2005, 15:59:48 UTC
You may snigger all you want! *glare* But I'm not changing back. Less to do and more to enjoy, being the submissive one... Heh.

1.Do you, or do you not like songfics? Why? (Name the best/worst songfic you've ever had the fortune/misfortune to stumble upon. No offense to the writers, of course.)

2.If you were allowed to decide for JKR which people she has to pair up, then what would they be? Why?

3.The most bravest thing you have ever done?

4.If you got into a real battle, which of the following weapons would you choose to fight and why?
a)a sword of a knight
b)an elven longbow
c)a dwarven axe

5.If you were to write your own fantasy book, what would it be like?

Have fun,


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