I have it as a lj cut cause its really long and i dont want to piss people off, but i decided to show one of my resposes cause frankly its fucking sick. hahaha >
2004-02-16 15:38
O'Reilly wouldn't know nice-ness if it bit him in the ass. He is such a rotten prick how could he dare to call Moore anything else?!?!? I would like to meet Moore but I would just be a blubbering idiot. I saw the thing with Keyes moshing on the Awful Truth (I have the box set). Wonder if Moore is going to change his endorsement now?
(Reply to this)
2004-02-16 17:00 (link)
o'reilley has called mike an obese elitist lefty. OUCH! who doesn't remember Mike asking o'reilley to run for president?
I wouldn't vote for him. But Bill is, as he puts it, "your HUMBLE correspondent"
2004-02-16 18:37 (link)
Humble like a volcano.
2004-02-17 06:16 (link)
Have you met a conservative who isn't? i.e. Rush Limbaugh Sean Hannity, Dick Cheney etc.
2004-02-17 12:09 (link)
Yeah I know its part of the requirements, blind faith, arrogance, beady little gerbil eyes, etc...
2004-02-26 08:15
ok first off michael moore is a whacko, i mean come on, he tried making a documentory about gun violence, but made up facts, minpulated stats, faked footage, decieved the people he interviewed.
http://www.bowlingfortruth.com/ check it out for yourself, you cant deny it, its all truth. and for sean hannity. the man should run for president, his views are right on with every issue out there. and as for bill o'reilly. hes an independant, hes no conservative.
2004-02-26 09:16 (link)
Hey I'm glad you found a website bashing Moore. Here's some books you should read BLOOD FOR OIL-Gore Vidal, WAR OVER IRAQ-William Rivers Pitt LIES AND LYING LIARS THAT TELL THEM-Al Franken or any thing by Chomsky. But considering you're a Hannity fan you might prefer Mein Kemph. On to your comment, I suggest YOU check out Mike's site, he deals with sites like the one have shared with us. And if you think O'Reilly isn't conservative, how far to the right are you?
2004-04-30 16:54 (link)
ok that person is a dumbass. Michael made his movie in an effort to open our eyes to americas facination with guns!!! So with michael's many books tv shows and specials,and oscar winning documentaries, we are the idiots to believe him when all it takes is one lousy website for you to be convinced??? Wow you truly are a genius in the same way that bush is an exellent conversationalist.
2004-02-18 16:06 (link)
Thats very perceptive. And true.
oh yeah one more thing
2004-04-30 16:57 (link)
Why is it whenever bullies are verbally beaten they resort to "bitchslapping" remarks. Sure your calling him fat but i believe mike would say that you were only stating the obvious and that he too busy educating us to worry about what vain assholes like you think.
Major run-on sentence but i dont care
michaelmoorefan 2004-04-30 16:54 ok that person is a dumbass. Michael made his movie in an effort to open our eyes to americas facination with guns!!! So with michael's many books tv shows and specials,and oscar winning documentaries, we are the idiots to believe him when all it takes is one lousy website for you to be convinced??? Wow you truly are a genius in the same way that bush is an exellent conversationalist