As many will notice I have taken down the pictures for now. Basically, I went over the bandwith requirement, so they weren't showing up anymore :(. Does anyone know of another site that I can use? Look for the entires return in November, unless I can come up with a better option
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Comments 7
Anyway.. if my boyfriend doesn't call me in the next few days, I say 2, I would gladly meet up with you.
Thanks for the add!! I wish I was CLOSER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GORGEOUS, you are!
Due to the adult nature of it's contents Community rules state:
"18+ Only. If there is no date of birth in your userinfo you will be
automatically denied. Your full birthdate must remain visible in your
userinfo for as long as you are a member of [info]cockworship. We
randomly check members userinfos for dates of birth, if you remove it
we will be forced to remove you."
Please consider adding your date of birth/age to your info page or we
will be unable to process your request.
Your friendly neighborhood Mod..
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