Oops I went all MIA on LJ. My bad. It's just been crazy busy. I was contemplating on whether I should even bother summarizing everything exciting that I've done since I last posted. It would take forever, but I feel like if I don't, then one day in the future I'm going to wish I had. Otherwise, what would I look back on?!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY KELLY!! Her actual birthday! Although I didn't get to see her all day, my thoughts were still with her to a certain extent. =P Anyway, I had work that day and after some studying, I headed out to Kenny's Noodles to meet up with all them UTSCers for dinner. Afterwards, we decided to surprise Bianca clown-car style (meaning there were a lot of us suddenly going into her house LOL) to wish her a belated happy birthday and to wish her the best since she had been through quite a bit. It was pretty fun, ESPECIALLY when we started playing that imitation game. Oh my goodness, I hadn't laughed like that in so long. Video on Facebook if you want to see what I mean. =P
My sister takes a course at UTSC right now and she's there on Tuesdays at around the same time I am. It's weird. It's kinda like we normally have our own territory (her = Campbell, me = Bethune; her = UTSG, me = UTSC) but now she just crossed it. I think it's okay. Still weird though. Anyway I get off at 4 PM on Tuesdays and she gets off at 5 PM so then I wait for her for an hour and we go to the gym to work out until 6 PM. Then my dad comes and picks us BOTH up (because it's more worth it than both of us bussing home). It's nice having a ride.
I went on the SCSU Boat Cruise and my goodness, it was SUCH a waste of my life (and $30). Not to be disrespectful to anyone who ENJOYED that but seriously, I did not need to pay $30 to be on a boat (or more like a ferry) with a whole slew of brown people grinding (or just pretty much having sex) on the dancefloor. Even the slut in me was traumatized by the sight!!! NOR did I pay $30 for a "3 course meal" that was nowhere close to being one. Nor did I pay $30 to have people fight on the damn boat 4 times so they had to turn around an hour and a half early. We ended up just sitting around until the SCHOOL BUSES CAME TO PICK US UP to go back to school. Man. I think the most exciting part of the night would have to be the UTSC girl getting hit by a streetcar. Not to say it was A GOOD THING (it definitely was a worrying thought because we were right there), but at least it was memorable?! Okay fine. I'll say the view was nice too. That's it. Lesson learned. School events = waste of time and money and life. At least I had friends to hang out with - but although I love them so, it wasn't that exciting being a 5th wheel. =| That would also be because my OTHER friend kept running off and disappearing. Pshaw.
Went out to eat dinner at Lemongrass to truly celebrate Bianca's much-delayed birthday party. That night had a lot of things happening that involved me having to keep going outside to talk on the phone. In fact, I even walked all the way to No Frills to talk on the phone. I wonder if Nicole was working that night. I should've visited while I was at it LOL! Anyway, I oddly enough didn't finish my food that night (I got the Mango Chicken - just wasn't feeling it). It felt weird. We went to someone's house afterwards just to chill and stuff. Then we went home. I hope Bianca had fun!
In early celebration of my sister's upcoming birthday (or you could say, in celebration of her Chinese calendar birthday), we went out to eat dinner with family. My cousin's birthday was upcoming too (2 days before my sister's) so it was just the bunch of us and our respective families...and my grandma. It was pretty yummy. We went back home afterwards to cut TWO cakes...and then we ate them. =)
Shopping therapy. A big one. That being my new laptop, which I named DOMO because my laptop is Japanese (Toshiba), brown, and rectangular. JUST LIKE DOMO!!! ♥ You can't go wrong there! I still need to buy a case/sleeve for Domo though, so Domo is stuck at home instead of travelling around to see the outside world. It's okay Domo, soontime!!!
Gym. Yvonne. Enough said.
Happy birthday Yvonne! She's old. Anyway, I believe this was my first Wednesday off (before, I didn't have school but I had to go to work) so I enjoyed it by......studying. =( What a sad life.
Crystal came to UTSC to study and then she came to my house for dinner, which wasn't really a real dinner because my parents were going to get home late, and my sister was going out for dinner. We made instant noodles. BEST MEAL OF THE DAY! We like our MSG every now and then. =P Anyway, afterwards, Himothy came and picked us up to go to Destiny's at Silver Star (yes cockroach Destiny's). Their renovations really throw me off when I'm inside because when you step in, it's suddenly like you got transported to Markham. Seriously. When we left that place, I honestly thought I was in Markham and I was SO CONFUSED when I looked around. Then I remmebered we were just in the dinky little Silver Star plaza. Amazing how big Destiny looks inside. Maybe it was because we were sitting on the second floor with the open space below us. =P Anyway, good times with the fellas. Interesting conversations as usual.
I went out for dinner for Moon Festival with my mom's side of the family. After dinner, people came over and we all sat around and ate mooncake while chatting and sipping tea and wine. Seriously. WELL that's what most people were kinda doing but I was more preoccupied with Alexis who was hyperactive on GODKNOWSWHAT. She was ALL OVER THE PLACE and wanted us to keep playing hide and seek with her. When my uncle/aunt/grandma were leaving, Alexis didn't want to go. LIKE REALLY. She kept running back into the house and running up the stairs to mine/Yvonne's room (or trying to anyway). It was so cute and oddly flattering (SHE LIKES ME, SHE REALLY LIKES ME) yet tiring all at the same time. Who knew such a feeling could exist? =|
Welcome to hell week. I first introduce you to something called an Inorganic Chemistry assignment DUE THIS DAY.
Then there was a midterm for my Physiological Psychology. I forced myself to know the tiniest details of the brain the night before. Well okay, it's not THAT tiny (yet) but it was pretty intense still. I didn't get much sleep. I slept from 6 AM to 10 AM. Thank GOODNESS I don't have school on Wednesdays! It gave me extra cramtime. After the midterm, I was so exhausted so I phoned my dad and asked him to pick me up from school. I am so glad he actually agreed to. But it doesn't end here! I did an allnighter after all that. Why? Read the next section.
I HAD A 8 AM - 9 AM CLASS THEN A 9 AM - 1 PM LAB!!! I had absolutely NO time to do my analysis report to hand in nor did I have time to do my prelab stuff for this day's lab either! I was so screwed. I was so screwed that I didn't even go to my 8 AM class. With that extra hour, I managed to somewhat complete the analysis report (didn't really answer everything because there was SO much to do like graphing 7 graphs and calculating random shit) and my prelab (thank goodness I'm used to doing it really fast). When that lab was over...I felt SOME kind of relief.
You'd think I'd go home after that, but the crazy in me didn't. I stayed lounging around at school and ended up going to play some VOLLEYBALL with my friend. VOLLEYBALL!!! Oh man, I really wanted to play because it's fun and I miss it, but I must've been nuts. By the way, I managed to humiliate myself a little. I was actually doing pretty good for someone who hadn't played in years, but in the middle of a game, I jumped to block (or try to) and in midair I pulled my calf muscle. The worst part is that the first time it happened, I was yelling out, "WAIT DON'T SERVE YET!!" while being in pain but NOBODY HEARD ME. The next rally was the LONGEST RALLY OF LIFE too!!! And in the midst of that longass rally I thought my calf was actually okay and that maybe it was just a charlie horse kinda thing. Then I had to jump and block again and BAM. Just...wow. Wow. Wow. I landed fine, but I knew I shouldn't stand any longer so I sat down and THAT'S when people noticed. [Rolls eyes] Anyway, I limped off to the side after that. And limped home too. EMBARASSING!
OH I FORGOT TO MENTION THAT HOT BIO GUY WAS PLAYING TOO AND HE CAME TO TALK TO ME AND AHHHH!! [Faint] What a perfect piece of eye candy he is. ;) Good thing he didn't know about my "accident" because he was playing in some other court.
I think the only amusing thing I got out of this would have to be the rude person on the bus. So I got up to get ready to get off the bus at the intersection, but the bus was still moving at breakneck speed (those Ellesmere bus drivers are crazy) so I didn't want to move yet. The bus had people standing around too so then this WOMAN behind me was stuck behind me. She rudely said, "EXCUSE ME!" in a WTF kinda tone, but RIGHT after she said it the bus had stopped, and I started limping my ass off the bus (not intentional) and I heard her say, "...Oh." LOL!!! I DIDN'T EVEN LOOK AT HER BUT IT WAS THE MOST HILARIOUS THING EVER. That's right. You BETTER feel bad you rude and impatient woman!
When I got home, I ate dinner, went to my room, beelined for the bed, PASSED OUT. Seriously. I didn't even HEAR OR FEEL OR SENSE a thing going on around me until 7 AM on the dot the next morning, I just suddenly jolted awake - EXACTLY when I needed to. I didn't even set any alarms! I guess my biological clock is still alright. Whew!
I had work in the morning and for some odd reason, I was REALLY REALLY TIRED. Okay fine, it's not ODD but STILL!!! I usually wake up by the time I'm halfway through my shift, but today I was just DROWSY the entire time. It felt like I downed quite a bit of cough syrup or something, my goodness!
Anyway, right after work, my parents came to pick me up and drove me to First Markham Place where I joined Crystal, JK, and Mannix at that place called Firefly to eat lunch IN EARLY CELEBRATION OF JACKIE'S BIRTHDAY WHOOOT!!!!! I know it was a bit of a bummer to Jackie that only we showed up, but personally it's not that bad either. Technically speaking, the smaller the party is, the more fun you get out of it anyway. ;P ♥ In any case Jackie, I hope you had a good celebration (not just lunch, but whatever you did aftewards too LOL)!! BTW I think it's embarrassing that Mannix and I ordered the same thing and I ate the entire thing and he had to take his home. I feel like a MONSTE!!!! =| But mmm, damn it was good.
After lunch, Crystal drove me home to pick up some stuff for me to bring to Starbucks to study. I brought Domo out since I figured I could just hold him during the travel time AND BESIDES, there was a car. We were QUITE productive at Starbucks, which is pretty amazing, but when we're nerding, it's like NERDING BOOT CAMP. We ignore each other except for the occasional mindbreather breaks. Yay for accomplishments!
I got home today and I studied some more. In fact, I studied so hardcore that I didn't realize time fly by so quickly. It's almost 4 AM right now and I think it's sad that it took me an hour to write this. And it's even more sad that I even went through with it! Well in any case, I'm not MIA anymore!! ... Wait I lied, I will be. I have SO many midterms coming up. I can't believe I'm doing my full-course load (of which one of them consists of a lab and another with a quiz every week) with a part-time job on the side. I must be nuts! MEH!
P.S. Hi, my name is Michelle and I'm a Gleek. 8)
P.P.S. Yes Crystal, I used the word "ominous". Don't hate me because I copied you! ;D LMFAO!
P.P.P.S. I think this year is meant to be shitty for me. Everything has been going bad so far, and it just keeps coming! Hopefully it'll turn for the better soon. =S
P.P.P.P.S. I realize my entry may have QUITE a few grammar mistakes or just sentences that don't make sense, but I don't have time to look over everything I wrote so ... MEH.