(no subject)

Apr 17, 2005 12:10

1. First best friend: devin
2. First car: dont have one yet
3. First real kiss: 7th grade summer(before 8th)            peck: 6th grade

4. First break-up: 6th grade

5. First screen name: something that had the word bumblebee in it

6. First funeral: my great grandma
7. First pets: many fishies

8. First piercing: ears dont knwo how old
9. First big trip: mexico trip

The lasts:
1. Last cigarette: never

2. Last car ride: last nite

3. Last kiss: yesterday
4. Last good cry: it wasnt good...thursday
5. Last movie seen in theatres: i think the ring 2
6. Last beverage drank: strawberry milk
7. Last food consumed: hashbrown
8. Last crush: before vinny...i dont remember
9. Last phone call: grandma
10. Last time showered: yesterday morning
11. Last shoes worn: d.c.'s duh
1. Who is your best friend?: vinny
2. Do you have a boyfriend?: yes!
1. Where is your favorite place to shop? stores
1. Do you do drugs?: nope
2. What kind of shampoo do you use?: right now its alberto VO5..i love the smells
3. What are you most scared of?: broken heart, not being loved, many other stuff
4. What are you listening to right now?: the wind blowing
6. How many buddies are online?: 15
7. What would you change about yourself?: my looks, my legs, my self esteem...many others
1. Color: ORANGE!
2. Food: fettuchine alfredo
3. Animals: saint bernard doggie and a white tiger
4. Sports: sex?

Have you ever:
1. Given anyone a bath?: my sisters
2. Smoked? no
3. Bungee jumped? not yet
4. Made yourself throw up? hell no!
5. Skinny-dipped? maybe when i was little
6. Been in love? Yes
7. Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? Yes
8. Seen your crush naked? ive seen my love naked
9. Cried when someone died? Yes
10. Lied? Yes
11. Fallen for your best friend? no
12. Been rejected? Yes
13. Rejected someone? no
14. Used someone? no
15. Done something you regret? yes majorly

1. Clothes? T shirt, vinny's boxers
2. Music? none
3. Make-up? none, im not doin anythign today
4. Annoyance? when my sister comes home
5. Smell? air
6. Book you're reading? on friday i was reading Scribbler of Dreams
7. Color of toenails? orange
Last person
1. you touched? little sister
2. Hugged? vinny
3. You instant messaged? eve
4. You kissed? vinny
Are you:
1. Understanding? i dont know
2. Open-minded? i dont know
3. Interesting? you tell me
4. Hungry? nope, just ate
5. Smart? somewhat
6. Moody? very much
7. Hardworking? when i want to
8. Organized? yes
9. Healthy? I think so
10. Shy? yes
11. Attractive? Psh, i wish
12. Bored easily? kinda
13. Responsible? yes
14. Hyper? kinda, sometimes
15. Trusting? no i gues im not really
16. Talkative? yes, sometimes
17. Legal? not yet :)

Whom do you want to:
1. Look like? someone pretty
2. Talk to offline? stan
3. Talk to online? anyone
4. Hang out with? vinny
Which is better:
1. Coke or Pepsi: ugh, i'd have to say pepsi (i dont really like neither)
2. Flowers or candy: Flowers
3. Tall or short: Medium to Tall
4. Liquor or beer? Liquor
1. What do you notice first: face, including hair
2. Last person you danced with: vinny in the parking lot last nite
3. Who makes you laugh the most? vinny
4. Who makes you smile: Everyone
5. Who do you have a crush on: vinny
6. Who has a crush on you: vinny
Do you ever:
2. Save conversations: rarely
3. Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: yes
4. Wish you were younger: rarely
5. Cry because someone said something to you: yes
1. Of guys I've kissed: 4 real kiss: right now it would be vinny
2. Of continents I have lived in: One
3. Of tight friends: i dotn know
4. Of CDs I own: i dont know
5. Of scars on body: very many
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