(no subject)

Mar 25, 2007 17:53

01. What do you usually order at McDonald's? qpc!
02. Do you know the real location of the London Bridge? london?
03. How do you pronounce the word "midi"?: midEE
04. Who's your favorite anime character?: ai??
05. If you could cut, style & dye your hair anyway you want, what would you do with it?: shoulder lengthish, long layers, deep red
06. What quote have you been reciting a lot recently?: "Every act is a political act."
07. Have you ever used anyone? If so, what for?: mmmany things, i guess. gratification.
08. Have you ever kissed the ground?: not that i recall
09. What do you think of standardized testing?: eh
10. What kind of chapstick do you use?: trader johann's 50% organic!
11. Did you ever throw pennies into a toll booth & get away with it (or anything less than the amount they wanted)?: nah
12. When was the last time you colored in a coloring book?: three wks, at most
13. Do you even bother to listen to people's MySpace songs?: I'm shitty at spacing
14. Do you go through phases of liking things or do you stick with things for a long time?: phases, so short
15. Who's the last person who passed you a note in class?: Sasha and I pass notes at student gov't meetings, that's basically it
16. What's your own personal little gimmick?: weird humor, i guess
17. What do you hate the most about your school?: where the fuck is recycling? and why can't we get a windmill? and fucking bureaucracy. and inadequate facilities. and and and, it goes on.
18. Would you actually wear the stuff they put in the fashion part of Seventeen?: I haven't read Seventeen in so long so I don't know!
19. What do you think about Japanese street fashion?: cutesy
22. Do you think you've made a good girlfriend/boyfriend in the past?: mmm n/a but I'm definitely not a good dater/seer of people
23. What song do you have stuck in your head?: modest mouse, cowboy dan
25. Do your parents believe in you?: more than I do!
29. Have you ever been rushed to the emergency room?: yeahh I'm clumsy
32. What's the coolest invention, in your opinion?: the cotton gin
34. What's the last thing you lied about?: what I'm doing right now
38. How many hours of sleep did you get last night?: twelve, at least
42. Favorite kind of chewing gum?: bubblemint!
43. How many light sources are in your room (excluding windows)?: two
44. What languages can you say "I Love You" in?: three
45. How many people would you wipe out (so it was like they never existed) if you could?: too many, at least
47. Are you good with solving jigsaw puzzles?: not at all
48. Do you know how to do Sudoku?: yessir
50. What are your plans for the weekend?: worcester, student panel at luncheon for prospective honors students, carbon leaf, work

ONE - Spell your name without an E,S,H,I,M,A: (first, middle, and last)
cln cruolo

TWO - Are you single?
yeah boy

THREE - What’s your favorite number?

FOUR - Favorite color?

FIVE - Least favorite color?

SIX - What are you listening to?
broken social scene, backyards

SEVEN - Sin?
yes plz

EIGHT - Are you happy with your life right now?
very, and very busy

TEN - What was/is you favorite subject in school?
really really like geography right now

ELEVEN - Do you shop at hollister/abercrombie/AE?:
not at all on a regular basis, i have a couple of items from ae

TWELVE - How do you make money?
working? soas/bg

THIRTEEN - Where did/will you graduate from?
danverss high 2005 salem state 2009 i think think hope

FOURTEEN - Are you outgoing?
uh, not probably not

FIFTEEN - One word to describe you?

SIXTEEN - Do you like Mac's?

SEVENTEEN- Do you own big sunglasses?

EIGHTEEN- Where do you wish you were right now?
new brunswick

NINETEEN - What should you be doing right now?
writing article reviews for sociology

TWENTY - Do you have a crush on anyone right now?
only canadian boys

Can you blow a bubble?: yes
Can you dance?: hardly
Can you do a cart wheel?: nope
Can you touch your toes?: yes
Can you whistle?: no and it makes me sad
Can you wiggle your ears?: no
Can you wiggle your nose?: not really
Can you roll your tongue?: and then some!

Did you ever want to be a doctor?: nahh
Did you ever want to be a fire fighter?: yeah actually

Do you believe in God?: i don't think i do
Do you know how to swim?: well enough
Do you like roller coasters?: yeahhh
Do you own a bike?: no

THE DOES: Does hair loss run through your family?: yeah i'm pretty sure i'm balding
Does your family have family picnics?: nope

Have you ever been to the ocean?: yes
Have you ever gone fishing?: once and i watched

How did you find out about Myspace?: i don't remember
How many of your friends on it have you seen?: a lot lot
How much money do you have on you right now?: $15 and some canadian coins

Last person you hung out with?: audrey &lauren
Last thing you said out loud?: "Okay cool."
Last thing someone said to you?: "I'll call you around 8"

Whats it like outside? nice
What was the last restaurant you ate at?: Mediterrean Grille in Freeport, ME
What was the last thing you bought?: MCD's small foutain beverage
What was the last thing you had to drink?: milk
What was the last thing you watched?: youtube sparkling wiggles

Who was the newest person to your myspace?: jen?
Who talked to you on the phone last?: sasha
Who was the last person you took a picture of? laurie
Who was the last person to leave you a comment: erin hancock!

Ever really cried your heart out?: of course
Ever cried yourself to sleep?: yes
Ever cried on your friend's shoulder?: uncomfortably
Ever cried over the opposite sex?: yeah
Do you cry when you get an injury?: duhh
Do certain songs make you cry?: if i associate sad memories with them, yeah
Do certain movies make you cry?: sure do!
What makes you happy?: friends, hanging out, music etcetc
Do you wish you were happier?: doesn't everyone?
Is being happy overrated?: nah
Can music make you happy?: yupp

Do you actually hate anyone?: most definitely
Ever made a hit list?: no
Have you ever been on a hit list?: idk
Are you a mean bully?: mmyeah

What is your current hair color?: black but it's fading rapidly
Straight hair or curly?: straighttt

Shirts: blue off reserve hepatitis c prevention for youth tshirt
Pants?: red sweats
Shoes?: o/n flips flops
Necklaces?: nope

Hugged someone? yes
Been on the phone until the sun came up?: once, maybe

Person you talked to in person?: my dad
Person you talked to on the phone?: sasha
Do you like surveys?: yes!
Do you have mental breakdowns?: defff

Current mood: tired, i cleaned my room today! lazy, i don't want to do my homework!
Current hair style: up in a little ponytail aww
Current crush: every boy i met in canada? yeah, that sounds right.
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