Ian and I met up with Brian and his girlfriend Lynette for a Saturday afternoon of skeet and target shooting...
This was actually our second time at
Circle S, but our first time there the shotgun had a squib (underpowered shell) on the first shot and jammed, so we only shot our handguns. This time we came prepared with a rod for any potential jams, but had none! :D
Ian and I hadn't had a chance to use the shotgun, and we've never shot skeets (hand-thrown clay discs), so that was our first stop at the range. Ian also wanted a chance to try Brian's pistol-grip shotgun (can't remember the make... Remington?) and Brian wanted to give our Mossberg a try. I threw to start, and after a few throws both of the guys had the hang of it and were nailing most of the targets. Lynette and I both shot once to get a feel for it (and to warm our shoulders up, lol) and then we shot a round of targets. If I remember correctly, she nailed her first one; but it took me a few shots before I got one. I think I only shot about 20 rounds, but managed five or six hits -which were completely blind luck. But it was a lot of fun. Probably would be better to start with a throwing machine rather than the unpredictability of hand-thrown targets, but ah well, I learned a lot and had fun. Alas, no pics as both of us were always engaged, but I think Lynette got some pics, we'll have to see.
After wrapping up the skeet session we headed over to the 25 yard pistol range. Here's my kit: Glock 19 (action open), gun lock (I am the ONLY person I know who actually uses one of these *eyeroll*), colorful and irony-infused
gun cozy, two 10-round (bah, CA! D:<) clips (one loaded), and the clip-loading-assist thingie. Oh, and a box of cheap range FMJ ammo...
Here's a view of Ian struggling loading one of his clips (seriously, it's REALLY hard, I love my assist thingie), Lynette getting a look at the targets through the binoculars, Brian looking over his Springfield .45, and various guys in the high-powered rifle section. It was an awesome clear day, and actually pretty dang hot.
The view from where Lynette was standing in the last pic. How AMAZING is it that I managed to get a firing shot?! Timing that with a digital camera is insane. Brian on the left (whom I haven't seen since he had short hair) and Ian on the right...
And me! :D I love to rock the red accessories, yay. (By the way, the large black thing behind the kid with the .22 is a scope, not a gun barrel -no bazookas allowed, lol) And yeah, I think those jeans are officially too loose around the waist. :B
Note to self: If I've told you once, I've told you a MILLION times -YOU DON'T NEED TO RAISE YOUR SHOULDERS TO RAISE YOUR ARMS!! D:< I do this ALL THE TIME; drinking a from a glass, putting something on a shelf... honestly. *sigh*
A view over Ian's shoulder at our targets. 25 yards is a loooong way, at least for noobs like us. :B We did worse this time compared to last, but I still managed to get some in the black. (To the left is the 50 yard pistol target, in the center background is the 100 yard rifle, behind that up the hill the 200 yard, and behind that the 300 yard. Kind of crazy. O_O)
Brian let Ian and I try his .45 (nice, pretty much just like Ian's Glock .45) and then he and Lynette headed home to prepare for a Halloween party. Ian and I shot our pistols a little longer and then took our .22 rifle down to the 50 yard range. A ten-inch target at 50 yards looking into the sun without a scope is a real challenge. Especially if it's your first time trying it that way (last time we used our cheap Daisy scope and didn't get a single hit on the paper :B). Looks like I'm a better shot without a scope... ;)
I was tired and sore; the sun got to me, and I have some red spots on my now-tender shoulder from the shotgun, but I've improved and more than that I had fun. :) Next time we're planning on going back to
Bullseye to get some more 5-18 yard accuracy practice with our handguns -and some climate control, lol.