30 Rock, General Series. #078. Disease

Sep 13, 2007 02:39

Title: Like a Vaguely Sexy Flu
Fandom: 30 Rock
Pairing: Jack/Liz
Prompt: drabbles100 #078. Disease
Word Count: 270
Rating: PG
Author's Notes: Table is here.

Disclaimer: Not mine. Don't sue.


The first time she's sober when it occurs to her that Jack is attractive, Liz assumes it's a momentary thing, something she can easily wait out. Like that time she thought Sean Hannity was kind of handsome. (That was a terrifying seven seconds.) This isn't a persistent illness, but a passing disease; the flu of desire. Or something. She's not good with romance and/or sex related metaphors. But, sadly and weirdly, it lingers. And she keeps imagining herself -- or a crazy version of herself -- kissing him. And doing other things.

It's not very fun for her. (Except when it is.)

She can't figure out what to do about it; she only knows about falling into unwanted relationships with unsuitable men, not about lusting after dirty, dirty sex with unsuitable men. Okay, the sex isn't really dirty. It hasn't gotten that weird, this Jack disease.

But it still won't go away, so it does, in fact, seem to be chronic. One night, when she's kind of irritated with him and really irritated with herself for still wanting to make out with him, she almost tells him he's diabetes personified. (She doesn't, though, which is good because she can't imagine how she'd explain that one. Or even what it really means.)

No, wait, this can't go on forever. It's probably a circle of the same illness, like that couple of months she spent catching Pete's cold. (He still insists she started it, but that's irrelevant.) This will be over soon, and she'll be able to diagnose herself Jack-lust free. That shall be a good day.

(And it better come soon.)


drabbles100 (claim #2), jack/liz, 30 rock

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