Title: Three Years From Now
drabble123Fandom: 30 Rock
Pairing: Jack/Liz
In The DarkPrompt: #19. Last night on earth
Rating: PG
Word Count: 300
Summary: "The world could end tomorrow."
Disclaimer: Not mine. Don't sue.
"The world could end tomorrow."
"I can assure you, Lemon, that the Mayans didn't predict the end of the world."
"You don't know that." Liz isn't actually super concerned about this, but she can't help but think about it. "What if the world ends tomorrow?" She rests her hand on her stomach; notices that she's covering the face of one of the gingerbread men on her pajamas, like she's also trying to symbolically guard food. "What if, now that everything is going well, now that I'm married and am about to have a baby, the Mayans are going to be complete jerks and end the world?"
He smiles slightly. "I don't believe any theories about the impending apocalypse claimed the Mayans orchestrated it or that they did so in order to ruin your satisfying present or hopeful future."
"Don't make fun of me." She exhales. "You know what? You should make fun of me. They've been showing that John Cusack movie on HBO every day and it's making me think that even if you could out drive crumbling earth, I probably wouldn't make it to the car--" She shakes her head. "I shouldn't worry about this."
He puts his hand over hers. "You shouldn't."
The way his thumb is stroking her skin suddenly makes her kind of horny. Jeez, can't she stay with one emotion for more than a few minutes? Thanks, hormones. But, wow, she is totally into the idea of him doing stuff to her. "But in case this is our last night on earth, maybe we should make the most of it."
"I've never seen you go from worried to aroused in such a short time."
"It's because you knocked me up with your crazy person sperm."
"Or aroused to angry."
"I'm still pretty horny, actually."
"Then let's, as you said, make the most of it."