Title: The Trouble Is
drabble123Fandom: 30 Rock
Pairings: Jack/Jenna, Jack/Liz
Random OnePrompt: #5. Obvious
Rating: PG
Word Count: 300
Summary: Liz isn't happy about Jenna and Jack sleeping together. Spoilers through 'Black Light Attack!'
Disclaimer: Not mine. Don't sue.
Liz isn't happy about Jenna and Jack sleeping together. There are a few obvious reasons for this:
1) She's scared to go into Jenna's dressing room and Jack's office, worried she'll see things one does not need to see.
("If we were to engage in such activity," Jack said, "we'd lock the door. Unless foreplay was sudden and heated--"
"I'll be sure to knock. Several times. And then ask if I can come in.")
2) No matter how much Liz has tried to dissuade her, Jenna insists on telling tales of their sexual encounters. She's been tuning them out, but certain details break through, like his chest hair is so thick and sexy (yikes) and so many orgasms (seven in a night? There is no way that happened).
(Now she knows how Jack must have felt, listening to Danny. There are some things a friend should not hear.)
3) What happened to his concern for her show, his disapproval of messing around with someone who can't be transferred? Why doesn't he care about workplace ethics?
(Okay. When it came to Danny, he wasn't really concerned about workplace ethics. Her objections to Jack-and-Jenna? Also personal.)
Liz wants to put an end to this, but she doesn't know how. (First instinct? Steal Jack's idea and confess her secret "love" for him. She feels this strategy would fail.) She should wait it out, right? It can't last forever. Jack never stays with women forever. So. It won't last.
She really doesn't want it to last.
For good reasons. Reasons that are personal, but not about her being *into* Jack. There's no need to even point that out. That's obvious, too. She might as well say she's not into Jenna.
Also obvious: Rooting against the relationship of two friends is a jerky thing to do. But, obviously, she will continue to do so.