Title: Settling In
drabble123Fandom: 30 Rock
Pairings: Jack/Avery, Jack/Liz, Liz/Wesley
Random OnePrompt: #9. Transparent
Rating: PG
Word Count: 300
Summary: Liz marries Wesley. Spoilers through 'Emanuelle Goes To Dinosaur Land.'
Disclaimer: Not mine. Don't sue.
Liz marries Wesley.
Two months later, Jack marries Avery.
The reception is much nicer than Liz and Wesley's was -- Jack has more money; more enthusiasm about his wedding -- and she's kind of jealous.
Mostly about the second part. Enthusiasm about being married would be nice. Really nice.
But Liz is happy for Jack. He made a decision. He's going to have the life he wants. His kids will be super cute and have freakishly blue eyes.
Who's not happy? Colleen. Liz decides to go over to talk with her; to distract her from badmouthing Avery and also to say:
"Jack told you I got married, right?" Liz turns around, pointing out Wesley in the crowd. He's doing the twist to a slow song. God, she hates him. She exhales before returning her attention to Jack's mother. "I did what you told me to do... I mean, you said I've probably already met 'the one,' so I met up with old boyfriends. Tried to rekindle stuff." Colleen says nothing. Liz gets nervous. "I didn't meet up with Wesley on purpose. He's... so annoying. But I found out I was going to sit next to him at a wedding, and I realized I wasn't going to do any better... Wow, I should have stopped telling this story a while back."
Colleen stares at her for a few more seconds. "Liz, I have to tell you that you and my son are both idiots."
Wesley grabs Liz's arm, pulling her onto the dance floor. Liz almost trips -- Wesley doesn't notice, and she hates him so much -- but the near peril doesn't make her mind stop. What does Colleen mean? More than 'I think your husband and my daughter-in-law are horrible,' right?
She wonders when she'll figure it out.
How she'll feel when she does.