Title: Waking Up to You
drabble123Fandom: 30 Rock
Pairing: Jack/Liz
Random OnePrompt: #4. Definition
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 300
Summary: Jack likes to have sex in the morning.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Don't sue.
Jack likes to have sex in the morning. Liz doesn't know what his reasons are -- because he enjoys sex in general? Or he's into the half-awake vibe? Does he prefer not to waste an erection, even if it's caused by whatever blood-flow-sleep-thing it is that makes men wake up all ready to go and not an actual turn-on? -- but she knows why she likes morning sex. She likes the way it begins, with his lips on her neck and his fingers on her stomach. The way it continues, his hands and mouth traveling her skin in a way slow but intense, until she's as wet as he is hard. She likes that he does all the work... which doesn't sound right. She doesn't want to just lie there every time (anymore). But it's nice in this early morning context, when she's still drowsy, to let him take over. To let him roll her onto her side, let him align their bodies before he lifts her leg and puts it on top of his. Let him push inside her, let him caress her while he fucks her. Let him move his hand between her legs, touching her in time with the thrusting of his hips. Let him kiss the back of her neck, let him groan into her hair as her muscles tighten around him. Let him make her come.
And she likes later, after he's reached his own climax. Likes lying with him, touching him while he plants kisses on her heated flesh. Likes feeling sated. Feeling sexual at a time when she is not at her most sexy (she wonders when she is at her most sexy). Feeling adored though she's often feared herself unlovable.
Also, she likes him. Loves him. That's got to make it better.