Title: Bitter(Not)Sweet
drabble123Fandom: 30 Rock
Pairings: Jack/Liz, Jack/Avery
Random OnePrompt: #15. Insidious
Rating: PG
Word Count: 300
Summary: Liz hates to admit this... Spoilers for 'I Do Do.'
Disclaimer: Not mine. Don't sue.
Liz hates to admit this, but she's jealous of Jack's baby. Okay. Not the right way to phrase that. Jenna is the one who gets jealous of babies. (Earlier in the week, when Jack was showing off photos of his one-month-old son -- to everyone, even *Lutz*, which surprised Liz -- Jenna burst into a passionate rendition of 'Time After Time.') She's jealous of Jack for having a baby.
Because she wants a baby. Because... it's not *fair.* After not wanting kids for years, for decades, he changes his mind and starts a family in the space of a year. He gets a wife, a wife he's in love with (even if Liz had a husband now, he wouldn't be someone she loves), and a kid after stringing two women along. After cheating and waffling and trying to have the best of two worlds for a couple of months, everything works out for him. Meanwhile, she's alone. (Carol dumped her. He wasn't okay with her foot problem. Liz wishes she could pretend things were going great until that moment.) She didn't find her destiny. She's not getting what she wants, but Jack is. Jack *has* what he wants.
Liz is more jealous than she can handle.
And... maybe she is too sour. Maybe that's her problem, because who else but someone who's fully embraced bitterness would look at a friend's happiness and think, 'It's not fair'? Only a jerk would think this way. Only a jerk would feel this way. How did she become like this? When did Jack become a guy she doesn't want the best for?
When is she going to be okay?
She doesn't have the answers to any of those questions.
Doesn't have anyone to help her figure the answers out.
Liz isn't sure how that happened, either.