Title: Call It Off
drabble123Fandom: 30 Rock
Pairings: Jack/Liz, Jack/Avery, Liz/Carol
In The DarkPrompt: #18. Before sunrise
Rating: PG
Word Count: 300
Summary: It turns out that Avery isn't pregnant. (Spoilers through 'I Do Do.')
Disclaimer: Not mine. Don't sue.
It turns out that Avery isn't pregnant. Her yearly period was late and the test was wrong and--
"Maybe we shouldn't get married," Jack says. "Or perhaps we should."
He's in Liz's living room at four in the morning, and she wants to go back to sleep. But she has to be a good friend. She has to listen.
"I will admit that believing she was having my child spurred me to wish to marry her. But that doesn't mean I'm not in love with her. But perhaps I don't love her enough, or I never would have felt pulled towards another woman. Or--"
"Why don't you *wait*? Now that you're not having a baby, now that you're dating only her--" There's an impulse to say, 'You aren't dating anyone else, right?' "--you can just be a couple. Figure things out. Then you won't have to spend a bunch of time debating what to do, because you'll know if you fit together."
"Or perhaps my uncertainty signals I shouldn't continue the relationship. Perhaps the fact that I never really chose proves I shouldn't be with either of them." He exhales. "You have it much easier, Lemon."
"Ha! That's something I never thought I'd hear you say."
Then she thinks about it; waits for him to hit her not with his approval of her new boyfriend, but slam her for being so passionless that her heart never feels torn.
"Carol's sleeping in the next room, by the way," she says, hoping to distract Jack from saying something mean and remind him that he can't stay in her apartment until the sun comes up.
He nods. "I shouldn't get married. If it were right, it would be easier to know it is."
"Is that so?"
Jack doesn't ask if she's still sure about Carol.
She doesn't know how she'd answer if he did.