Title: Halfway
Porn Battle XI (Eleven Days of Porn) Prompt: 30 Rock, Jack/Liz, under the desk
Word Count: 665
Rating: R
Summary: Jack wants something Liz doesn't want to give.
Disclaimer: Not mine. Don't sue!
Jack wants her to go down on him in his office while he's sitting at his desk.
Liz refuses this outright because of the icky power dynamics -- is the place where he signs off on cuts to her show's budget *really* the place to get on her knees? -- and she guesses the icky power dynamics are what turns him on, at least in part. But he's gotten enough blow jobs at his desk, right? It's got to be something he's done with any number of women who've slinked into his office late at night to laugh at his jokes, and probably some of his girlfriends. And sex friends. And skanks he ran into at random and decided to take up to his office for sex. And...
She is going to stop listing the various sorts of people Jack has had near his exposed penis. It seems like the right thing to do.
"So... Yes. Enough."
"The fact that you believe there's any such thing as 'enough' when it comes to oral sex proves that you still have a lot to learn about men."
"My point is, this isn't some fantasy you've never had fulfilled. So. I'm not going to do it. You should feel lucky I do... that--" She points at his crotch and draws a circle in the air with her finger, and keeps doing it even after she quickly decides that's an unnecessary gesture. "--at all. You're in a super select group, buddy."
"It's terrible to think how long you wasted your nonexistent gag reflex on shoving whole subs into your mouth."
He sounds and looks strangely mournful on behalf of all her ex-boyfriends who never got mouth stuff out of her. Why does he *care*? Is there some sort of bond men have about oral sex, and they hate knowing others have been cheated of it?
"Well," she says, "at least *I* had fun. At least *you* have fun."
Eventually -- after he's gone down on Liz in her office while she's sitting at her desk, which she thinks is him trying to encourage her to return the favor, and which she also thinks is the *right* sort of power dynamic, and she is a lady in charge who has a guy on his knees and feminism, and whatever, who cares, she likes this as much as Jack likes the other thing -- she decides maybe a compromise is in order. One of her feet is on the desk and her leg is getting cramped. She's idly moving her fingers through his hair while he slides his hands up and down her bare thighs. Her slanket is underneath her, keeping her ass from touching the chair -- she's going to have to wash it or buy a new one -- and she says:
"You could--"
And stops, because his head dips back down, his nose brushing against the apex of her sex.
"What?" he asks.
She doesn't reply until after his tongue darts over her a few more times, until after he lifts her shirt up slightly and kisses her stomach.
"You could sit in my chair now, if you want. Or do you only want me to be under *your* desk? You could pretend it's your desk and I could *know* it's my desk--"
"Wouldn't that still have implications--"
"No, Jack, because you went to town on me first." She pauses. "Wait, were you trying to talk yourself out of a blow job? Because that is weird."
"I was trying to poke holes in your objections to my initial request."
"Do you want the oral sex I'm offering or not?" Before he can give her an 'honestly, Lemon' look, she says, "Okay, even I know enough about men to figure out the answer on my own." She pats him on the back, puts her foot back onto the floor. "Now get out from under my desk so *I* can get under it."
He places one last kiss on her thigh. "With pleasure."