Title: Burning the Midnight Oil
Fandom: 30 Rock
Pairing: Jack/Liz
drabbles100 #044. Circle
Word Count: 499
Rating: NC-17
Author's Notes:
Table is here.Summary: He's not a perfect teacher, but he is the best for her. (Follows "
No Time Limit.")
Disclaimer: Not mine. Don't sue.
They're both on their knees, Jack behind Liz. He slides an arm around her as he slows the thrusting of his hips, lets his other hand rest near hers on the headboard. His intention is to guide her hand between her legs -- test her comfort level with touching herself, which he still hasn't attempted to do -- but he can't help wanting to touch her, get her off, himself. A flaw that's affecting his teaching style, perhaps, but he believes that if he imparts to her an enjoyment of sex (which he has), pinpoints what she likes (again, he has, but there's still more to uncover) and helps her cultivate the ability to ask for what she wants in bed (she's getting more confident with that every night) then he's done his job.
He brushes his fingers up and down her arm, kisses over her shoulder as he slips his hand between her thighs. She moves her legs farther apart, pushes her hips back against him as he's sliding out of her. He lets her move a bit more before he meets her, burying his cock completely inside her. He slides two fingers over either side of her clit, allowing himself a moment to enjoy the stillness, before he returns to his previous pace, starts moving his fingers in circles. She reaches for him right before she comes, her hand thankfully finding the side of his neck instead of slapping him in the face or awkwardly covering his eyes.
He's reminded of that moment in his office, pretending for someone else--
(His mind will not allow him to think the name Kathy Geiss while this close to orgasm.)
--and how certain he was that he'd never be in this position with her.
(In a literal and figurative sense.)
It's good she's come to accept all the ways in which he can help her.
She mutters his name over and over as he keeps fucking her. Before he comes, he holds her tighter to his body. Afterwards, he keeps her close. Brings his fingers to his mouth and sucks her taste from them. She doesn't comment on that until later, when their backs are on the mattress.
"Did you lick your fingers before?"
He rolls onto his side, raises his eyebrows. "We've moved past oral sex; don't regress."
He kisses her. She kisses back. Continues talking after his mouth has moved to her neck:
"That wasn't oral sex, Jack. That wasn't you tasting my stuff because it was part of the whole deal. That was you treating my junk like a bag of Doritos."
He lifts his head up. Kisses her mouth again.
"Are you going to lick your fingers every time you touch me down there so I'll get used to it?"
"Hopefully, you'll learn to find it arousing. It is a compliment."
"Uh huh." She smiles slightly. "So."
He brushes his thumb over her nipple. "So."
"Are we done for tonight?"
"If you don't mind waiting for a little while, we don't have to be."
She considers this for a moment. "I'll wait."