Title: Get In and Get Out
Pairing: Jack/Liz
Spoilers: through "Greenzo"
Word Count: 1,331
Rating: R
Summary: Pete is still having an affair with his wife. This is kind of putting a cramp in Liz's affair with Jack...
Disclaimer: Not mine. Don't sue!
Pete is still having an affair with his wife. This is kind of putting a cramp in Liz's affair with Jack, in that she can't stay over at Jack's apartment too often without creating suspicion -- she's gotten away with it a few times by claiming she was working late and decided to sleep in her office -- and, when she does have her apartment to herself, she wants Jack to leave sooner rather than later. Well, needs. If Pete would just move out and stop having sex with Paula in her apartment, she'd be glad to have Jack stay as long as he likes.
Also, she doesn't want to get naked in her bed right now, even if she does keep changing the sheets.
(When Pete moves out, she is going to burn all her sheets, buy new ones, have a maid come in and disinfect everything, and she is going to let Jack go to town on her.)
"We have to be quick. And we have to do it right here. You have to do me and get out of here. Okay?"
"Very well."
He presses her against the front door of her apartment -- they're in the apartment side, not the hallway side -- and she arches toward him. She is super ready for this. They started fooling around in the back of his car, so.
"I'm not using you for sex," she adds. "Just to be clear. Since 'do me and get out' sounds like I'm using you for sex. I am not."
"I know what this is, Lemon, but right now, you are using me for sex."
He kisses her. She shakes her head until he stops.
"I am... what was that crap you said? Exploring the intimate nature of our relationship? I'm doing that. And I'm doing it quick because I have a guy living in my apartment. So please just have sex with me."
"If I were you," Jack says, "I wouldn't accept another person taking my home hostage."
"He's my friend. I'm helping him out. And I know he'd let me have an affair with my husband. I don't have one, but. You know."
"Yet you don't trust him to allow you to have an affair with your boss."
"It's not about allowing... it's about it being *weird*... okay, do you really want to talk about this now? Do you actually prefer *talking* about *Pete* to having sex with me?"
He tilts his head slightly as he watches her. Half-expecting him to insult her, she raises an eyebrow and waits. There are a lot of reasons why she was hesitant about sleeping with Jack; one of them was her fear that he'd maintain his critical nature during sex and find fault with her vagina in the same way he found fault with, say, most of her clothing choices. And, though he has tried to mentor her sexually, he has been... nice about it? If nice is the right word when he's coaching her on how to touch his penis.
But, still. He could be preparing for a zinger.
Her vagina has always seemed like a mess to her.
Jack leans forward and kisses Liz, her body relaxing against him. In a matter of moments, he's pushed her panties to the side, unzipped himself, and lifted her leg up. When he enters her, she does this sigh-type thing that implies way too much relief at getting to have sex with Jack.
She's not *that* relieved.
But it does feel good.
Jack does her. But he does not get out right of her apartment away.
Which is okay. She's not much of a post-sex cuddler -- which Jack has alternately found appealing (he isn't always interested in treating sex as overly romantic, even in situations like theirs, where there is an actual connection), confusing (most women do want there to be cuddling even when the encounter, or series of encounters, is purely about sex), off-putting (and, to be perfectly frank, sometimes he does appreciate the post-sex afterglow to be affectionate), and now something to overcome (after she revealed him that her objection to curling up against him was the sweatiness of their bodies and how she doesn't want to put her face on damp chest hair) -- but she definitely likes sitting on the couch. She likes making out. Combine the two, and it's like some sort of jackpot.
The downside is that she doesn't want him to leave. But he has to.
"Go," she says, pushing him away seconds after initiating another kiss. "Really, you should go. I can't... I'm not ready to tell Pete about this. And if he finds out because you're making out with me on my couch, it's gonna be weird, so." She kisses him again. "Get out. Get out of here now. Go."
He doesn't move, and he's giving her that *look.* That sex look. It was a bad idea to order him around; that always gets him going.
"I am not coming on to you right now," she says. "Get out. Stop looking at me like that."
Five minutes later, they're having sex on the floor.
He rolls onto his back afterwards, and now she knows she has to get rid of him. Ugh, that sounds harsh. But she's on the floor and this isn't comfortable, and Pete could walk in at any moment -- and Jack hasn't put his penis away yet, which would be a *worse* way for Pete to discover this whole deal than them sitting on the couch with Jack's penis not exposed -- and he's not making out with her, so she has *resolve.*
"I think you should probably go," she says, though she thinks she could get away with ordering him around now, since he's not going to be ready to go again right away. "Right? It would be a good idea."
He zips himself back up. Awesome. Now Pete will never see Jack's junk, at least.
"I suppose I should." He shifts onto his side. "Though I don't understand why you would prefer to show respect to an interloper--"
"I invited him to stay."
"That doesn't mean he has to outstay his welcome. Especially when you wish to continue exploring the intimate side of our relationship."
"Don't you mean 'use you for sex'?"
He smiles slightly before he leans closer. His mouth is very close to hers when his eyes are suddenly drawn away from her face. He seems vaguely perplexed, so she assumes it's not a cockroach or a rat. "There's a Pop-Tart underneath your couch."
Gross, gross, how could she have sex here? One of the places where they've...
Though maybe they did it against her door, too.
No, no, don't think about it.
At least she wasn't naked.
Pete and Paula might have been naked.
What *do* they do with the Pop-Tarts?
No, no, don't think about it.
"Leave it!" she says. "Leave it where it is. And don't eat it."
"I have no intention of picking it up and eating it."
He frowns as he pulls back. "Do you?"
"No. I don't eat food that's been on the floor." She says this too quickly. That isn't suspicious, right? "And I'm never eating Pop-Tarts again. Ever."
"Do I want to know?"
"I don't even know. And I don't want to talk about it."
"Then I don't wish to hear it."
"It all works out, then." She nods. "You really should go. You have to go."
"I still say you should throw Pete out."
"Think of it this way: if we weren't working on a time limit, I wouldn't be asking you for sex as soon as we walked into my apartment."
"I highly doubt that."
She rolls her eyes. "Seriously. Go. You have to go."
"If you honestly want me to go, I will."
Five minutes later, they're back on the couch. Making out.
He is leaving soon, though. Really.