Title: Talk German to Me, Baby For: nbckink Prompt: 30 Rock, Jack/Liz, Speaking German in bed. Spoilers: through "Black Tie" Word Count: 734 Rating: R Summary: Lemon allows dirty talk in German.
This is the prefect prompt for them! This is like...whack-your-own-forehead perfect. Why has this not been done before??! Cos we were waiting for you to do it probably. And it's perfect. Thanks for the translation too. And I liked the line about the nineties becoming less fun!
:D Thank you! I think I'm going to write about them speaking German again... not necessarily in a dirty way, even, I just found it fun to have them speaking in their shared foreign language. Also, I find the idea of Jack calling Liz 'Zitrone' funny. And you're welcome about the translation! I wasn't sure if I should include it, but if you put the 'Go for it' phrase into Google Translate it comes out all weird. Also, it probably wouldn't have been reasonable to ask people to go to Google Translate anyway. And, ha, I liked that line, too. (Not to pat myself on the back. But I did amuse myself with that bit and the GE sexual harassment rule.)
The Zitrone thing reminded me of Avery. Sorry. Only drawback for me.
I wouldn't have thought to Google it. I would have just gone out and learnt the whole language. No, I wouldn't but I would have been tortured with wondering. No, I wouldn't, but it was a good call including translation, is what I'm saying.
(I amuse myself sometimes too. It's one the perks of writing fic. ;D)
Seeeeeee, it reminds me of Avery, too (in that I remember that scene with Liz and Avery on the phone is where I first heard 'Liz Zitrone' and, like, didn't have to look up the German word for 'Lemon' because of it), but I still find it amusing. This is probably where my ability to kind of ignore Avery comes in handy.
Comments 18
The Zitrone thing reminded me of Avery. Sorry. Only drawback for me.
I wouldn't have thought to Google it. I would have just gone out and learnt the whole language. No, I wouldn't but I would have been tortured with wondering. No, I wouldn't, but it was a good call including translation, is what I'm saying.
(I amuse myself sometimes too. It's one the perks of writing fic. ;D)
Ha. I'm again glad I did it, then!
I was thinking the next word was going to be "owns" and that amused me.
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