Something To Sleep To [15.5/?]

Jun 07, 2012 13:47

Title: Something To Sleep To
Chapter: 15.5/?
Author: wishof_wings
Betas: Becky, Izzy, & Em
Rating: R
Pairing: Klaine
Word Count: 750
Summary: What started as a volunteer gig at Lima Memorial is slowly turning into a fairy tale for Kurt Hummel. Except Kurt is pretty doubtful that a kiss is going to wake his Prince Charming from his coma.
Spoilers: None
Warnings: AU, homophobia related violence
Author's Notes: Treat! No, it's not a full chapter, but it's a scene that wouldn't fit in the last chapter and doesn't fit in the next one, so you get something to tide you all over until chapter sixteen is up (which, all things going to plan, should be tomorrow or Saturday yay!). To those of you who had concerns about AO3, I'm sorry for being so vague. I will continue to post both on LJ and AO3, don't you worry about that. (:

Go back to the beginning.

“So, Mrs. Anderson was here today.”
Kurt, who has been thoroughly wetting Blaine’s hair with the use of a spray bottle, pauses for just a moment before giving a nod.

“She was,” he says, nonchalantly, tilting Blaine’s head forward to do the back. The nerve endings in his fingers feel like they’re alive, brushing against Blaine’s curls. His hair is much thicker than Kurt had thought.

“And how did that go?”

Surprisingly well.

Considering Kurt had made Mrs. Anderson out to be some heartless villain in the past couple of weeks, sitting down and talking to her had turned her into an actual person. What the Andersons have been through, and what they are still going through, will hopefully never be a situation Kurt can thoroughly empathize with. Mrs. Anderson-Grace-isn’t unloving or heartless or even cruel; just a mother with a broken heart.

“It went well.” Kurt looks up at Carole and smiles, and Carole returns it with an air of relief.

“That’s good to hear.”

Grace is gone now, has been for quite awhile. But she had been adamant before leaving that she was going to come back, Cooper in tow, and had thanked Kurt again with a kiss on the cheek. It was all still a little embarrassing for Kurt to process.

“You ready over there?” Carole has arranged a simple pair of shears within Kurt’s reach and is now sitting in the guest chair (because there is his chair and then there is the other chair).

Kurt runs his fingers hesitantly through the back of Blaine’s curls, trying to keep his breathing steady and his skin from becoming fuchsia. It’s hair, but it’s Blaine’s hair and Kurt would be lying if he said he hadn’t wanted to touch it from the moment he’d set eyes on it.

“Yes,” Kurt croaks out, and then immediately clears his throat. When Carole hands him the scissors, she has an amused and knowing look in her eyes that makes Kurt suspicious. After all, there’s nothing for her to know, so why does the fact that she does make him so uncomfortable?

Stop thinking about Carole and pay attention to what you’re doing.

Blaine doesn’t need an ear injury on top of all of the ones he already has.

Kurt swallows before exhaling through his nose in a long drag. He had promised himself that he wouldn’t think about everything Grace had told him earlier, not while he was at the hospital, not in front of Blaine’s family or in front of Carole.

He hasn’t cut much hair in his life. His dad has never really had hair that needed cutting, after all, and there had been that one time when he was seven and insisted that his mommy had split ends (which was also how Kurt Hummel had realized that craft scissors were not for hair cutting). But he does maintain his own hair, mainly because there are no decent hair salons in Lima and Kurt is far too particular about how he likes it to look.

And he may or may not have watched about a dozen YouTube videos on cutting curly hair, but no one needs to know that.

Being able to concentrate on the task at hand, Kurt doesn’t think about how badly he wants to play with Blaine’s hair or the fact that he would really like to spirit Blaine away someplace where no one can ever hurt him again.

Snip snip snip.

No, no, no. He will not think about it now.


Maybe if Broadway doesn’t end up working out (which is ridiculous, because of course it will work out), Kurt can try becoming a hair stylist. Based on how good Blaine is looking, it seems like a lucrative career possibility.

“Wow, Kurt. Maybe you should do my hair next time.”

Kurt grins at Carole as he cleans Blaine off; thankfully, he had suggested using a spare sheet as a smock. It’s only moments later that Carole has whisked the supplies away and Kurt is left to admire his work and thus, by circumstances, admire Blaine.

He reaches his hand forward, slipping fingers through the damp curls as he pushes them around and out of Blaine’s face. Touching Blaine, in any capacity, always seems to take his breath away completely.

“There.” His fingers linger on the edge of Blaine’s hairline, just grazing the skin. “Now you look like a gentleman.” He trails his hand down until he encounters scruff and then grins.

“On Monday, we’re doing the beard.”

<< 15.5 >>

r, klaine, au, fanfiction, something to sleep to

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