Samurai Champloo... Saw the guy with the beat-box flunky tonight... @.@; The first time I saw the intro I kinda wondered, am liking it now though. ^.^ Finished off Last Exile too (second time actually, first was on TechTV on Christmas day). Glad I did too, 'cause they showed -nothing- of the 'house out in the country' afterwards on G4TechTV. Thought old Mulland got a bad deal, glad I was wrong...
But yeah, kinda creepy with the van... o.o;; Again, offer still stands; if you're somewhere and things are too creepy, get to someplace public (if you can) and call one of the Mantopians. We'll do our best to get you the heck -out- of there ASAP.
Comments 1
But yeah, kinda creepy with the van... o.o;; Again, offer still stands; if you're somewhere and things are too creepy, get to someplace public (if you can) and call one of the Mantopians. We'll do our best to get you the heck -out- of there ASAP.
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