Title:Frozen Tears
Pairings: Akame, Kameda
Genre: angst, fluff
Summary: When his best friend was taken from him, what will he do? The pain that grew inside him , the nightmares he had, will those disappear?
A/N: i know I suck at writing the summary at this fic but if I write an actual summary then I''ll spoil everything. I am not a confident person
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Comments 13
so sad that jin died and poor kame with all that pain
thankfully ueda was there to save him both physically and in his heart
thank you so much for sharing
Im really crying right now.
Ah....thank you :'D
It is so sad that Jin died before he could tell Kame anything.
It was good that at least the Bakanishi left a letter for Kame if not Kame would have continued the way he is until he found a way to die.
Two souls brought together by death of their loved ones. Ironic or was it like fated? ^^
As I was telling a friend of mine...it depends if you see the full part of the glass or the empty part :D
I'm glad everyone got the message. It took me more than 3 hours to write this O_o
I'm not in commenting mood rite now, but I'm so loving this I cant just go away before dropping a comment.
This is so beautiful and the drama was so heartwarming. I love the plot very much and somehow wish it could be longer or even a multi-chap. But of course this is just great as it is. Thanks so much for this :)
Thank you for reading I am really glad you liked it
i cant comment any further~ :P
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