Jun 29, 2010 06:00
- 09:43 Good morning. What did i think about while walking to work? Oh, just how much i love joe biden. #
- 15:34 I am such an ass.
30.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_l4qncvPoNx1qzop70o1_400.png # - 19:32 Every cell is a triumph of natural selection, and we're made of trillions of cells. Within us is a little universe. #
- 19:34 Aka- I just found the Symphony of
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Jun 22, 2010 06:00
- 09:57 They moved all of us interns to a big table in the middle of the 11th floor. no more privacy = No more manatee porn at work. :( #
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Jun 18, 2010 06:01
- 00:17 @ shrimpcaspian So when will you be gettin my dick wet? I was promised by Rob there would be some point when you get my dick wet. #
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Jun 17, 2010 06:00
- 15:41 Just mistakenly downed a grande iced red eye. My insides are shaking. #
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Jun 05, 2010 06:01
- 09:24 Why is it that when you want to get starbucks in nyc That's the only time you won't pass any? #
- 09:35 twitpic.com/1ttkmq #
- 12:58 @ samuelaberman You check into locations and maybe you're friends are in the area. BAM! unexpected hangouts. #
- 12:58 @ samuelaberman it works best when you have a lot of friends on it, i guess. #
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Jun 02, 2010 06:00
- 11:05 My entire life has been leading up to the moment when I get to see Donald Glover as an Avenger. Seriously, #donald4spiderman #
- 17:32 Man. Fuck delta. #Deltasucks #sodoesthiswholeindustry #seriouslyfuckeveryairline #
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