So, I don't update for a freaking long time and do I give a good update recounting the past month? No. I bring you commission information. Because someone is desperately trying to save up for Chicago in November and this is the only free time I'll have before classes start up again and eat my face in the fall. :|
All Commissions will be scanned and a raw scan will be sent to the commissioner. I can also snail-mail the original copy if so desired.
- 1 character
Price: $4.50 USD
- 1 character
Price: $7.00 USD
+ $1 for each additional character. Up to 3 characters total.
All characters will be drawn from the waist up unless otherwise stated. Just characters, NO BACKGROUNDS. All original characters must have some form of reference (either visual or written description). NO PORN. NO FURRIES/ANTHRO.
I can take Paypal only, and fees are already calculated into the prices above. Send payments (ONLY WHEN PICTURE IS COMPLETED) to:
Comment to this entry with commission details. If you'd like me to physically mail the finished picture to you, please also e-mail me with your physical address to the e-mail address above.
I'm sticking to sketches and inked pictures so that I might actually churn these out at a decent pace. I hope to have everything requested done before August 15th, giving me time to accept commissions and finish the last of my summer school before starting on them.
That being said, Commissions are open until August 10th or until I reach my limit of 10 commissions. Whichever comes first.
Also: I am leaving this entry public. So Pimp me out, please! :)
Now, off to spend the weekend finishing up Organic Chem 2 lab stuff and studying for the fourth lecture exam. Aauuuugh. DDDX