1. Ever been given a ring?
Yeah, I got a ring from Daddy for my Sweet 16, and a promise ring from Drew. Will there be a new ring this Christmas?? Ooooh... we'll see!!
2. Longest Relationship?
6 years, 4 months, 14 days and counting
3. Last gift you received?
Blush and an herbal wrap from my stepmom
4. How many times have you dropped your cell?
Hmmm.. not that many. I try to be careful since I got a new one. Try.
5. Last sport you played?
Lord.... Duck-Duck-Goose?
6. Things you spend a lot of money on?
Books. and Clothes. Stupid Gap...
7. Three things you ate last?
Peanut Butter and Hershey's Kiss cookie, White-Chocolate covered cherry cookie (both compliments of Jim), and nachos for lunch
8. First thing you notice about the opposite sex?
Probably what they're wearing. I have a hard time remembering/recongnizing people if they've changed clothes since I was last introduced to them. It's a fault, I know.
9. One favorite song:
"Baby It's Cold Outside!" by Nick and Jessica!
10. Where do you live
11. High school you attended
Stephenville for 1.25 years, Belton for the rest
12. Cell phone service provider:
13. Favorite mall store:
Gosh...um... GapExpressDillardsBathAndBodyWorksNiemanMarcusMacysSacksTiffanysBananaRepublicFossil and K.B. Toys :)
14. Longest Job held:
Baylor LAC! Since my freshman year.. wow...
15. Do you own a pair of dice?
I'm afraid to answer?
16. Do you prank call people?
Not reguarlly... they usually know it's me when I call anyway. ::mumbles::Stupid Caller ID::
17. Last wedding attend?
Michael and B (my cousin), very very beautiful
18. First friend you'd call if you won the lottery?
19. Last time you attended church:
Wow... at Dad's?
20. Favorite fast food restaurant:
hmmm... Something Asian
21. Biggest lie you have heard?
"No no... you sounded fine!"
22. Where do you work?
Baylor LAC! And the linguistics department a.k.a. my living room
23. Where's your favorite place to eat with friends?
Chili's or Joe's
24. Can you cook?
I would... if Drew would hand over the spatula...
25. What car do you drive?
2002 Pontiac Sunfire... bright bright yellow
26. Best kisser?
27. Last time you cried?
Last night
28. Most hated food:
Sweet Potatoes - YUCK
29. Thing you like most about yourself:
I'm pretty laid-back
30. Thing you hate most about yourself:
...I'm pretty laid-back and it's finals week...
32. Longest shift you have worked at a job?
nothing longer than the typical 8 hours
33. Favorite Movie?
hmm... Ice Age.
34. Can you sing?
Um. no.
35. Last concert attended?
Christmas on 5th
36. Last kiss?
five minutes ago?
37. Last movie rented:
I really don't remember... I haven't been back to Blockbuster in a while... Because we owe like a $6 fine on the last movie we rented...
38. Favorite Alcoholic drink?
I would not know.. Give it a month!!
39. Thing you never leave home without:
Keys. I've learned my lesson...
40. Immediate vacation spot:
Like, instentaneous-quick-think-where-would-you-go? London. hands down.